Afrofilm Screening #4 I Diasporic Realities
18.01.2021Zur Vewendung des Genderdoppelpunktes ab Februar 2021
02.02.2021Thursday, January 28th, 2021, 7.30pm
**This screening will take place online.**
Welcome to the fourth screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!
Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of African and Afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.
There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.
Join us for the screening of Timmi Kwaku Davis short films ONT EST ENSEMBLE and MON PAYS to then end the evening with a discussion round to share and create knowledge on Black realities we weren’t yet familiar with and not least to connect with each other.

Country: Germany – Hamburg
Date of Prod: 2015
Genre: Fiction/Drama
Length: 13:27 min.
Format: 16:9
Language: French/German – EN Sub.
Director: Timmi Davis

Country: Senegal – Dakar
Date of Prod: 2018
Genre: Fiction/Drama
Length: 18 min.
Format: 16:9
Language: French – EN – Sub.
Producer: Kwaku&Aman
Director: Timmi Kwaku Davis
Skriptwriter: Emanuel Aman Tessema

Timmi Davis was born on April 7th 1982 in Hamburg. The Afro-German director dedicated himself to film in 2007. He made his first experiences at the company FUFFIEFILM as an editor of music videos and documentaries in the German hip-hop music scene. As a camera assistant and cameraman he was later involved in over 300 short films, feature films and commercial productions of international greats. Out of enthusiasm to realize his own visual and narrative ideas, he starts shooting and producing music videos and short films himself in 2010.Timmi Davis wants to use his films to draw attention to the fact that Black people in Germany are marginalised and discriminated against.
This screening will take place online.
Please register via: afroscreening@tutanota.com
Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram: @afro.film.

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.