DGS II Kurse mit dem Team von Lebendige Gebärden I Sommer/Herbst 2020
German Sign Language Course II with the Team of Lebendige Gebärden I Sommer/Autumn 2020
27.07.2020With Paula Azeviche and Ford Kelly
19th & 20th of September 2020 // 11 – 18 h
You can find information about registration here. Please check this out before you register. Deadline for registration is 13.09.2020.
What does Black Energy mean to us in the context of Black Rage, Black Rest, Black Spirituality and Black Love?
This Workshop is about harvesting our energy as Black Trans*, Inter, Non_binary, Genderqueer, Agender People where we will explore ways in which this energy effects us as we use movement, sounds, meditations, discussions and experimentations as well as drawing and sharing music to guide us within Black Energy.
Black Energy is a experience that will give us internal tools to navigate our external worlds. It is a preparation for how important it is to find our own energy, and how our own energy can transform our own world.
It is an exercise for self empowerment, growth, healing, resilience, creativity and give us strength to exist as Black Bodies in movement.
For: Black People, all bodies welcome.
The workshop will take place in English spoken language. The facilitators also speak German, Spanish and Portuguese (spoken language).
This is an online workshop.
Paula Azeviche holds a Master’s degree in Ethnology and African Studies from the Faculty of Humanities, 2011 and a Bachelors degree in Education from the Faculty of Education, 2007. Her experience is concentrated in the field of human sciences, with special emphasis on racism and antiracism praxis in education and diversity. She is a pedagogical consultant and art educator.
Ford Kelly is a Black Alien Queer Trans* Artist / Facilitator who lives and works in Berlin. Ford’s experience is concentrated between the fields of design, Cultural Production and dance/movement research. All with a focus on Black Queer Spaces in Berlin.
This event is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.