

Summer Break Greetings

2019 started with a few challenges and some restructuring at xart splitta. However we also look back on a number of joyful moments. Since Feburary 2019 […]

End of the year 2018

Dear xart splitta Followers, Liebe Menschen, die unsere Arbeit begleiten, 2018 ist nun fast vergangen und hinter uns liegen vielfältige und vielgestaltige Veranstaltungen…: eine Reihe zu […]

Flyer 2018/2

Our new programme flyer for September – December 2018 arrived! Click here to read it all.    

Intersectional Transformative Justice

“What Really Makes us Safe?” A Toolkit on Intersectional Transformative Justice beyond Prison and Police: Reading & Discussion Thursday September 6th, 7pm Melanie Brazzell & Nadija Samour […]

Photo Gallery

»Passing it On« – Winter School 15th/16th November 2019 Passing It On Bewegungsgeschichte*n re/visited: Gespräche mit Zeitzeug*innen (September 2019) Series: DISSOLVING TERRITORIES II | cultural geographies […]

Publication Launch!

Writing History (Neue Rundschau 2018/2), ed. by Sharon Dodua Otoo and Manuela Bauche Thursday, July 5th, 5pm Uhr, as part of the symposium “New Perspectives” ( […]

Programme Flyer March-June 2018

Our new programme flyer March-June 2018 has arrived! Check out what we have planned for you these coming months. Flyer as PDF: programm_maerz_juni_18 You can also […]

klointerventionen der lila blogade

weitere interventionen und aktuelle projekte unter: (um die plakate größer zu machen bitte das erste anklicken)

Booklaunch: “Decolonize the City! Zur Kolonialität der Stadt – Gespräche | Aushandlungen | Perspektiven”

Freitag, 13. Oktober, 19h Booklaunch und Gespräch mit dem Herausgeberinnenkollektiv Zwischenraum. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches “Decolonize the City!” stehen die Perspektiven derjenigen, die als zugleich rassifizierte, […]

W_orte finden. Schreibend zu sich finden

Ein kreativer Empowerment-Schreibworkshop von Lahya Aukongo Werdet ihr auch ver_rückt, be_hindert, geh_hindert, pathologisiert, psychiatrisiert, versteht euch im Spektrum von Neurodiversität? – Wie können wir es schaffen […]

Film: Der Kuaför aus der Keupstraße

Dienstag, 28. Februar, 19h (2016, Regie: Andreas Maus) mit anschließender Diskussion Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des Nagelbombenanschlags vor einem türkischen Frisörsalon in der Kölner Keupstraße […]

xart splitta news in january!

please finde here all upcoming dates and catch a glimpse of the programming for the first half of 2017: we are looking forward seeing you […]

Reclaim the Beats Festival

*Reclaim the Beats* is a festival with a focus on music genres created by Black, POC and queer people. These genres are House, Techno, Rock & HipHop. […]

das neue Programm druckfrisch!

Wir freuen uns sehr: das neue Programm ist da: Voll gepackt mir Veranstaltungen, Workshops undundund… Diesmal im Querformat und in der gedruckten Version auch zum selbst-mitgestalten/aufkleben… […]


[this workshop is held in german – if you would like to participate: we would like to make an english version/translation possible – please get in […]

workshop kritik üben

kommunikationsworkshop zu kritik hören und ausdrücken montag und dienstag: 14./15.november 2016, jeweils 19-21 uhr (die 2 abende gehören zusammen) was brauche ich um kritik hören zu können? […]

xart splitta news end of june 2016

Infos about the upcoming events: ## Exhibition Blowback ## Thursday, 23.06., 19h: Filmscreening: Papa Rainbow ## Artist Talks with Rajkamal Kahlon ## Thursday, 07.07., 17h:  Event […]

Schreiben aus der Eigenperspektive

Workshop mit SchwarzRund Termin: Dienstag 17. Mai, 17-21 Uhr Bei Rückfragen bitte an wenden. SchwarzRund: Bloggerin und Autorin, queer, fett, Schwarz, latin@ und neurodivers. Dieser […]

kommunizieren wagen: ein workshop zum ausprobieren

wie kommt es zu den immer wieder gleichen kommunikationsmustern in meiner polit-gruppe? warum enden unsere aktionsideen häufig in kommunikationsabbrüchen, im auseinanderdriften, in runtergeschlucktem frust? immer wieder […]

Kommunizieren wagen

wir freuen uns sehr: das magazin kommunizieren wagen ist da! herausgegeben vom kollektief umkrempeln – ein projekt von xart splitta e.V. erschienen im verlag w_orten und […]

creative writing for young people

(workshop and description in german – if you are interested in a workshop like this one – please let us know:   Bist du zwischen […]

27.07.2015 Filmscreening: Transgender Parents

TRANSGENDER PARENTS, Rémy Huberdeau, Canada 2014, English mit deutschen Untertiteln Transgender Parents shares stories of trans people who transitioned in the presence of their kids and […]


some dates at xart splitta * 31.05. 19h filmscreening: Work in Progress; Identity, Community and (Self) Love. A Short Film Program – Ein Kurzfilmprogramm (details below/unten) […]

auf einmal war es vorbei

irgendwas war nicht mit mir in die entweder-oder frau-oder-mann-toilette auf dem flughafen gekommen, ich hatte vielleicht die tür zu schnell zugemacht, um der ausweglosigkeit des entweder-oder […]

sorry – no english version of this post yet – we are working on it!

artists’ (self) presentations

we, ja’n and lann, decided to ask the artists to come up themselves with some kind of self-presentation that they would like to see_read_listen to in […]

to dyke_trans: exhibition

the exhibition was part of a larger project – a lab with the title: politicizing trans / trans_forming politics (please find the events blog and documentation […]

politics of location

sorry – no english version of this post yet – we are working on it! reading list politics of location/ critical positioning: adrienne rich (1984 [2003]): […]

loo interventions

shortly, you will find here ideas and concrete examples to intervene into binary genderings in public spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms. binary genderings in these spaces are very often as well de-conceptualizing interdependencies of ableism and genderism, when toilets are differentiated for women and men and for disableised people. are disableised people not gendered or does it not play any role for them? and does it mean that women and men are ableised? some of the ideas and interventions we want to present here, will take these dimensions activistically_artistically into account. bathroom changes is a very concrete topic and place to intervene into interdependent norms of binary genderings.

call for participation: photographs, paintings, collages, drawings, words … for a print project

trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages on the topic: deconstructing binary_genderings what do you as a trans_x_ing person find empowering in images? what would you like to share, what do you want to pin up on your walls or those of other trans_x_ed people? where and how do you position yourself? and what shows you that it is possible to live, understand, en_act and envision more than just femininity and masculinity? what are your images and visions about trans_x_ing space: deconstructing racism_classism_migratism_ableism in critically reflecting binary genderings? and_or: deconstructing binary genderings in reflecting ableism_classism_racism_migratism?

call for participation: spoken word, short films, performances, dance, music … for a performance project

trans_x_ing space: on de_constructions of binary_genderings what happens when binary constructions of gender are de_constructed and dismissed? what happens if i question_agitate_challenge either-ors in regard to binary gender regimes? how are racism_migratism_ableism_ classism considered in the deconstruction of binary genderings and how does a critique of ableism_racism_migratism_classism deconstruct binary genderings?
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