Self-Regulations Toolkit Workshop
Connected through Blackness
19.10.2022Dieses Gespräch wird in Englischer Lautsprache stattfinden.

Tuesday, October 18th, 12pm, online
Join us for a lunch chat and let’s talk about how Blackness connects us.
Being Black is wonderful. It is strong and soft and magical and creative and it is most definitly complex. It is no one time moment – or person – it changes and liberating our Blacknees needs individual process.
Blackness is, in aspects, constructed in conformity with the norm, just like everything else. To talk about differences that need to be pointed out we need spaces, braver spaces as well as safer spaces. What does intersectional experiences within Blackness mean, what effects does that have on our Black Bodies? What different perspectives on Blackness shall we talk about and re_center more? How can we create a community where all kinds of Blackness are welcomed and accepted?
Moderated by Juliana Kolberg we will talk with Ginnie Bekoe, Christelle Nkwendja and Red Haircrow.
This space is for Black People only and will take place in English spoken language.
Pls. register at contact@xartsplitta.net till Monday, October 17th.

Ginnie Bekoe is a Black activist who does talks, workshops and poetry primarily on the muddlings of Blackness, disability, fatness & queerness. Ginnie draws from their own identities and experiences, as well as knowledge that has been passed on (even from books!). Ginnie also deals extensively with baby elephants and ice cream.

Red Haircrow is an award-winning writer, educator, psychologist and filmmaker of Native (Chiricahua Apache/Cherokee) and African American heritage, who holds a Master’s in Native American/Indigenous Studies and a BSc in Psychology. Their interests and research focuses include Indigenous game development, GLBTIIQ2S needs and suicide prevention, and inter-generational historic trauma of marginalized and minoritized groups and peoples. redhaircrow.com/ and flyingwithredhaircrow.com/.
This event takes place within the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.