Diskriminierungskritisch Dolmetschen

Lots & Lots of Letters
Re/Envisioning Identities
Lots & Lots of Letters
Re/Envisioning Identities
xart splitta, Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin

This events will take place in German Sign Language.

Seminar 2

Saturday, December 12th (Group 1)
Sunday, December 13th (Group 2)
10.00am – 6.00pm

2 workshops on the topic of allyship in the context of interpreting

Seminar 1

Thursday December 5th and Friday, December 6th, 2024
10.00am – 6pm

2-day empowerment space for Deaf people with and without interest in interpretation

Information on registration

This event is a deaf space. Seminar one is additionally a safer space and therefore only for Deaf People.
Please specify which which seminar and which group you would like to join when registering.
Pls. register via Mail at contact@xartsplitta.net written and video are possible.

Our facilitators

Okan Kubus

…Deaf, queer, no pronouns and turkish. And lecturer for German sign language interpretation.

Lela Finkbeiner

… lecturer, activist, author, student with white-passing privileges.

Silvia Gegenfurtner

… no pronouns. From Berlin, Deaf, queer and white. Lecturer and activist.

This event takes place within the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

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