xart splitta was founded in 2012 and is a recognised non-profit association that works in the fields of intersectionality, critique of discrimination, (postcolonial) memory, decoloniality & empowerment and (historical) political education.
We work trans- and interdisciplinary, at the interface of science, art and political practice. Our formats and programmes range from workshops and consultations to public discussions, specialist conferences and symposia to art and cultural events. The combination of theory and practice is central to the communication of our content.
The focus of xart splitta is on analysing discriminatory structures and systems of inequality and on dealing with and (further) developing possible strategies for action and interventions against them. In doing so, we pursue an intersectional approach and draw in particular on Black Feminist Thought as well as post- and decolonial theory. We draw our inspiration from the relentless efforts of various grassroots movements and organisations that are and have been active in Germany and beyond against interwoven violent structures and mechanisms of oppression. With our events and programmes we try to address different target groups and focus on the promotion and support of empowerment processes, both of individuals and groups.

Jul Kolberg (Management)
Pronouns: no pronouns
My main topics are empowerment, disability(ies), queerness, intersectionality and discrimination-critical language and awareness (concepts), especially from the perspectives of queer Black diasporic movements. Central to my work are post- and decolonial theories, Black Feminist Thought and colonial continuities & narratives in the entanglement of theory and practice. I studied social sciences (B.A.) with a focus on gender studies, education and political science.
In addition to implementing the thematic foci in the form of networking work and through the joint conception and realisation of various interdisciplinary (educational) events in the form of conferences, readings, film screenings, performances, workshops, discussion rounds, symposia, etc., I am also the general contact person and responsible for a coherent overall concept for all xart splitta projects.
Taye Naizghi (Coordination #ThinkingCommunitiesInSolidarity)
Pronouns: no pronouns
At xart splitta I am responsible for the project coordination of #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken. I studied Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Universiteit van Amsterdam, specialising in literary, cultural and discourse analysis.
My other areas of specialisation are: Community work, queerness, intersectionality, (anti-black) racism and decoloniality, abolitionism, empowerment, and the conceptualisation, semantics and practical implementation of anti-discriminatory theory, especially at the intersection with technology and digitality. My work runs along the concepts and movements of abolitionism, black feminism, decolonial theory, queer and gender theory, critical cultural studies and cross-community solidarity.

Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn (Coordination #ThinkingCommunitiesInSolidarity)
Pronouns: no pronouns
Bei xart splitta bin ich für die Projektkoordination des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken zuständig.
Meine Themenschwerpunkte sind Antirassismus, Gender, Klassismus, Queerness, enthierarchisierte und intentionale Beziehungen sowie Empowerment. Außerdem beschäftige ich mich damit, wie eine Annäherung an eine nachhaltigere Community Arbeit in der Praxis aussehen kann und was das mit Transformative Justice und Beziehungsarbeit zu tun hat. Das alles verbinde ich in politischer Bildung, Kunst, Schreiben, Performance und im Community Organising.
Maine Callahan (Public Relations)
Pronouns: no pronouns
My field of work is public relations. I am currently studying interpreting in German Sign Language and German in Berlin.

Anni Quitt (Project Assistance and Administration)
Pronouns: they/their
I am responsible for organisation, coordination and administration at xart splitta. I specialise in queerness, empowerment and critical social work.
I studied Social Work at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to use the club rooms, have questions about organisational processes, etc.