Freitag, den 13.10.2023, 17 Uhr bei xart splitta e.V., Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin This event will take place in German spoken language. Das Konzept der Gemeinsamen […]
Buchvorstellung von und mit Rena Onat Freitag, 13.10.2023, ab 18 Uhr bei xart splitta e.V., Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher und englischer […]
The aim of the 'BIPoC literature circle: Labour and resistance' is to understand and discuss different aspects of labour, labour resistance and labour organization, by exploring various forms and their contextualization intersectionally.
The aim of the 'BIPoC literature circle: Labour and resistance' is to understand and discuss different aspects of labour, labour resistance and labour organization, by exploring various forms and their contextualization intersectionally.