Generell Information

Wir suchen eine Person für ein DGS Werbevideo!
DGS 1 Kurs mit dem Team von Lebendige Gebärden I Frühling 2020
Wir suchen eine Person für ein DGS Werbevideo!
DGS 1 Kurs mit dem Team von Lebendige Gebärden I Frühling 2020


In order to make planning easier for us, please register under the following link: In order to make planning easier for us, please register under the following link: You can however participate without registering!



With the exception of Panel III, the entire Winter School will be held in German. For the English panel there will be simultaneous translation into German. We are sorry that we cannot offer DGS translation.



We can offer child care for 16.10. from 12pm onwards. If required, please send us the following information one week before the event to

– Number of children
– Age of children
– Preferred pronoun of the children
– Possible allergies or food intolerances
– Other information relevant for childcare



We are looking forward to a vegan/vegetarian lunch from Amma Catering.



The event will take place in cooperation with the Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße.
Address: Urbanstraße 21, 10961 Berlin. The Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße is mostly wheelchair accessible. Only wheelchair accessible rooms will be used. A wheelchair accessible toilet is available.

Further information on directions:

Concept and project directors: Iris Rajanayagam & Nicola Lauré al-Samarai

With the particpation of: Fallon Tiffany Cabral and Zara Zandieh and the »Closer Reading« Group

Helping Hand: Latifa Hahn

Translation: Meldody Ledwon und Jennifer Sophia Theodor

Child Care: Hannah Abdullah und Lawina Koffi

Further information (in German) about the project can be found at:

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