
auf einmal war es vorbei
ent_wahrnehmen I ent_komplexisieren I ent_konstruieren
auf einmal war es vorbei
ent_wahrnehmen I ent_komplexisieren I ent_konstruieren

discriminations are always complex. there are no simple, monolithic discriminations which can be added up in politics and analysis or which are arbitrary or interchangeable. genderistic discrimination for example, is always also constituted by racism_ableism. genderism is different for Black, PoC or white trans_x_ing persons. it is interpreted differently, experienced differently, ascribed differently and it materializes in different ways.

maybe the concepts genderism/sexism as such are already racist because they imply that racism_sexism are separable. this is not and has not been the case for Black women and WoC. to introduce and apply sexism/genderism as monolithic concepts is maybe a powerful presupposition for introducing a concept like intersectionality – and it is thereby manifesting a universalist white ableist position which can explain everything.

in a societal situation in which power relation are categorized as separable, interdependencies have to be taken into account in any case. starting from this presupposition genderism and racism and ableism are inseparably interwoven and present all the time. the idea of the existence of genderism beyond racism and ableism is creating a white ableist norm as universalist. therefore, every analysis of genderism and every politics against genderism needs always be differentiated referring to other, only analytically separable discriminations as racism and ableism as well as migratism and classism.

not to perceive interdependencies simplifies discriminations in ways which make them more difficult to work against: for example when trans politics are fighting for the right to have a transgender-category in a german passport: illegalized trans-persons within germany and their discriminations are thus excluded from this politics.

inspiring_empowering reading: combahee river collective (1981): „a Black feminist statement“. in cherrié m. moraga and gloria anzaldúa (hg.): this bridge called my back. writings by radical women of color. new york, 210-218.

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