with this form i am registering for the following event*:



    my name is*

    my email is*

    if i cannot participate due to sickness or other reasons i will inform xart splitta as early as possible.

    i donate to xart splitta. (more information about donations see below)

    would you like to inform us beforehand about special needs? do you have questions or information we should know to make the event as pleasant and comfortable for you as possible? please let us know:


    some information about donations: an appeal! / isn’t it appealing?

    we do not charge for our events but we are very happy and depend on your donations to continue to put our work in practise.
    we are officially certified as a non-profit organisation, so if you pay taxes in germany your donation is tax deductible. if you need a donation receipt please let us know and send us your full name, registered address and amount you are donating.

    our vision
    we would like to contribute to political and activist structures where all people continiously reflect upon a responsible handling of their financial resources – in a capitalist reality that is becoming even more precarious every day. this idea for us is a ongoing challenge and here we would like to share our thoughts regarding the funding of events at xart splitta. this is – as so many things – under constant construction and we would be glad if you feel like sharing your comments and ideas.

    why should i donate?
    xart splitta has a basic funding for organisational work, rent, infrastructure and a basic amount for events. the events and the programming also depend on donations. with the donations we are able to realise a appropriate payment of the people facilitating workshops, holding lectures etc. if people donate we can offer further and more events.

    not all people do have equal resources – and many people that have less often feel more responsible to donate.

    how can i estimate whether i should donate or how much i should donate?
    there is no entrance fee or participation fee for any of our events.
    if you would like to donate we think the amount depends on your financial ressources
    you don’t have to and really should not donate if every contribution will be missing to cover your basic needs like rent or food. please then note 0 € in the registration form.
    we are happy about your donation if you are able to live your life and take decisions depending on money relatively independently, if you have access to financial recources or could have access to it (for example saving, heritage, property, car, visiting restaurants, deciding freely on what to purchase, travelling and other hobbies – hence we are talking about financial decisions that you make for your life).
    usually people donate 0 to 60 to 240€ if participating in a workshop.

    these are basic ideas from our side – yit is up to you to decide on the concrete amount.

    what we are also looking for: responsibility in contributing to spaces and events. To us that means responsible communication regarding your registration and participation as well as an understanding of your registration as reliable and an early notification if you cannot participate.

    we are looking forward to collective political engagement!

    you can donate in cash on the day of the event or to our bank account. please do NOT mention the event you are taking place in but only put „donation/spende“ as „reason for payment“ . thank you!

    xart splitta e.V.
    IBAN: DE35 4306 0967 1143 0866 00
    GLS Bank Bochum
    or via paypal to contact@www.xartsplitta.net
    as mentioned before: we can send you a donation receipt. if you need one please contact us: contact@www.xartsplitta.net thank you!