the group xart splitta creates spaces_framings for trans_xing, trans_x_empowering creative, present, concrete, visionary, artistix, transfeminist actions_ideas_politics. our working dimensions so far are workshops, exhibitions, networkings and inspirations, photography_art_filmprojects, performance events, counselling of projectideas and ideas for interventions, parties. we are looking forward to all kinds of new ideas, working forms, questions.
we as members of xart splitta are politically positioned as trans_x_ed and in our current formation we are also acting_speaking from a privileged localization regarding racism, ableism, migratism, classism. we are critically reflecting upon these interdependent positionings and we are trying to transform our privileges into responsible actions. acting trans_x_ed means for us to act against ableism_racism_migratism_classism and against genderistic discriminations: in and by deconstructing binary and cis_genderings. we want to realize this by bringing together different trans_x_ed perspectives which are as well constituted by racism_ableism_classism_migratism in discriminative or privileged ways. these differences play an important role for opening up concepts and forms of politics for us. we try for example to reflect upon our own practices of choosing images/photographies/participations for projects: who is deciding on which photos are taken, which norms are thus re_produced? and how can we challenge our white ableistic normalisations in the forms we are looking onto images? there is not one single trans_x_ing perspective but many different ones which we try to bring into inter_action by different forms of action and differently positioned people in working groups, participations, involvements, engagements.
the website is part of an ongoing process to build a virtual and concrete trans_x_ing space. we want to conjointly create this space within a trans_x_ing network as broad as possible. we imagine this space as continually shifting and moving and we are starting now, in april 2013 with first texts and contents on the website. here, we want to share and exchange, continually inspire and get inspired and localize ourselves. we want to get in touch with projects, groups, individuals, here and everywhere – with them being active_think_act_ponder_conceptualize from and in a trans_x_ing perspectives.
we also want to collect thematically and re_arrange, de_fragmentize, re_assemble and re_focus topics. topics that are repeatedly emerging, moving us, sometimes swirling us, making us contemplative, speechless, topics that are empowering, challenging, inspiring, cheering us. topics like deconstructing binary genderings, interventions in loos_names_theories, trans_xing visions, anger as a way of communicating_acting, body – embodyment – de_bodyment … (to be continued)
if you’d like to: please get in touch, share your ideas and inspirations. we are looking forward to communicate with you!
in the near future there are most likely going to be monthly open meetings, where you can just come by to get in touch and get some impressions of our work and concept or simply get to know us and others … there will also be room for exchange and_or to present experiences of your own actions, discuss your ideas and so forth … !
you can find current dates in the category now! and in our calendar.