In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Healing Circle

In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”

for BIPoC with Griselda Enciso // 11am-2pm

This workshop will take place online and German and English spoken language is possible – Let’s help each other out!

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a purple background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Virus strand, with stylised person in a circle, xart splitta logo, hands bringing hearts together in a circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationsrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

Workshop on healing old wounds and returning to primal trust: The Pandemic as an Opportunity for Self-Discovery

Coming together as a group, meditating together, exercises for healing old wounds, common spaces for reflection: What are my fears? What are my tools for dealing with them? These fears will be recycled together and released as energy for self-determination in love, gratitude and humility. We will also refer here to our role in our communities and create a common calm, healing and grateful place.

Photo of Griselda, in front of a white background, smiling at the camera in the portrait cut-out.

My name is Griselda Enciso and I am Afroperuvian.
After a long search through different cultures and courses of study, I finally faced my calling as a healer / curandera (medicine woman) in my voluntary exile in Berlin. This „yes“ is synonymous with an unconditional acceptance of the gifts of my ancestors. I work with great joy inspired by my spiritual guardians using homeopathy, techniques from systemic constellations and Afroperuvian dances.


In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”

for BIPoC with Griselda Enciso // 11am-2pm

This workshop will take place online and German and English spoken language is possible – Let’s help each other out!

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a purple background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Virus strand, with stylised person in a circle, xart splitta logo, hands bringing hearts together in a circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationsrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

Workshop on healing old wounds and returning to primal trust: The Pandemic as an Opportunity for Self-Discovery

Coming together as a group, meditating together, exercises for healing old wounds, common spaces for reflection: What are my fears? What are my tools for dealing with them? These fears will be recycled together and released as energy for self-determination in love, gratitude and humility. We will also refer here to our role in our communities and create a common calm, healing and grateful place.

Photo of Griselda, in front of a white background, smiling at the camera in the portrait cut-out.

My name is Griselda Enciso and I am Afroperuvian.
After a long search through different cultures and courses of study, I finally faced my calling as a healer / curandera (medicine woman) in my voluntary exile in Berlin. This „yes“ is synonymous with an unconditional acceptance of the gifts of my ancestors. I work with great joy inspired by my spiritual guardians using homeopathy, techniques from systemic constellations and Afroperuvian dances.


In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”

for BIPoC with Griselda Enciso // 11am-2pm

This workshop will take place online and German and English spoken language is possible – Let’s help each other out!

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a purple background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Virus strand, with stylised person in a circle, xart splitta logo, hands bringing hearts together in a circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationsrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

Workshop on healing old wounds and returning to primal trust: The Pandemic as an Opportunity for Self-Discovery

Coming together as a group, meditating together, exercises for healing old wounds, common spaces for reflection: What are my fears? What are my tools for dealing with them? These fears will be recycled together and released as energy for self-determination in love, gratitude and humility. We will also refer here to our role in our communities and create a common calm, healing and grateful place.

Photo of Griselda, in front of a white background, smiling at the camera in the portrait cut-out.

My name is Griselda Enciso and I am Afroperuvian.
After a long search through different cultures and courses of study, I finally faced my calling as a healer / curandera (medicine woman) in my voluntary exile in Berlin. This „yes“ is synonymous with an unconditional acceptance of the gifts of my ancestors. I work with great joy inspired by my spiritual guardians using homeopathy, techniques from systemic constellations and Afroperuvian dances.


In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Bild "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: Die online Plattform zur Dokumentation, Archivierung und Weitergabe von Wissen aus und für BIPoC Communities. Schriftzüge "Launch 2.0“, „I Know What I Know!", „Was im letzten Jahr passiert ist“, „Panel & Performances“, „Digital auf Zoom und Instagram“ Launch 2.0 Perfomances Panel", 17.12.2021, ab 16h, Anmeldung bitte an, alles in rot, beiger Farbgestaltung.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 „I Know What I Know!“

für BIPoC mit Griselda Enciso // 11-14 Uhr

Dieser Workshop wird online stattfinden und deutsche und englische Lautsprache ist möglich – Lasst uns einander aushelfen!

Wiederholter Schriftzug in Gelb, Rosa, Blau auf lila Hintergrund: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Bilder von rechts oben nach links unten: Virus-Strang, mit stilisierter Person im Kreis, xart splitta Logo, Hände mit Herzen im Kreis zusammenführend, Sprechblase mit Herz, Logo Migrationsrat Berlin und Logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersektional.

Workshop zur Heilung alter Wunden und Rückkehr zum Urvertrauen: Die Pandemie als Möglichkeit zur Selbst(er)findung 

Zusammenkommen als Gruppe, gemeinsame Meditation, Übungen zur Heilung/Prozess der Heilung alter Wunden, gemeinsame Reflektionsräume: Was sind meine Sorgen und Ängste? Was sind meine Tools hierfür? Diese Ängste und Sorgen werden gemeinsam recycelt und freigesetzt als Energie zur Selbstbestimmung in Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Bescheidenheit. Wir werden uns hier auch auf unsere Rolle, unser Sein in unseren Communities beziehen und einen gemeinsamen ruhigen, heilsamen und dankbaren Ort herstellen. 

Foto von Griselda, vor weißem Hintergund, lächelt in die Kamera im Portätausschnitt.

Mein Name ist Griselda Enciso und ich bin Afroperuanerin.
Nach langer Suche durch verschiedene Kulturkreise und Studiengänge, habe ich mich meiner Berufung als Heilpraktikerin / Curandera (Medizinfrau) in meinem freiwilligen Exil in Berlin endlich gestellt. Dieses „Ja“ ist gleichbedeutend mit einer bedingungslosen Annahme der Geschenke meiner Ahnen. Ich arbeite mit großer Freude inspiriert von meinen spirituellen Beschützern mit Hilfe der Homöopathie, Techniken aus den Systemischen Aufstellungen und afroperuanischen Tänzen.


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