In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Healing Circle

In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Möglichkeiten des Allyship
Picture "The Living Archives - the learning diaspora space: The online platform for documenting, archiving and sharing knowledge from and for BIPoC communities. Writings "Launch 2.0", "I Know What I Know!", "What happened last year", "Panel & Performances", "Digital via Zoom and Instagram", 17.12.2021, from 4pm, please register via, all in red, beige colour scheme.
The Living Archives: Launch 2.0 “I Know What I Know!”

for BIPoC with Griselda Enciso // 11am-2pm

This workshop will take place online and German and English spoken language is possible – Let’s help each other out!

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a purple background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Virus strand, with stylised person in a circle, xart splitta logo, hands bringing hearts together in a circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationsrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

Workshop on healing old wounds and returning to primal trust: The Pandemic as an Opportunity for Self-Discovery

Coming together as a group, meditating together, exercises for healing old wounds, common spaces for reflection: What are my fears? What are my tools for dealing with them? These fears will be recycled together and released as energy for self-determination in love, gratitude and humility. We will also refer here to our role in our communities and create a common calm, healing and grateful place.

Photo of Griselda, in front of a white background, smiling at the camera in the portrait cut-out.

My name is Griselda Enciso and I am Afroperuvian.
After a long search through different cultures and courses of study, I finally faced my calling as a healer / curandera (medicine woman) in my voluntary exile in Berlin. This „yes“ is synonymous with an unconditional acceptance of the gifts of my ancestors. I work with great joy inspired by my spiritual guardians using homeopathy, techniques from systemic constellations and Afroperuvian dances.


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