In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care

Broschüre 2022
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care
Broschüre 2022
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care

Friday, 12th of November 2021, 10 AM-6 PM 

Here comes another round of In.Solidarity – Pls. find here what we did last year, together with the ndo

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a turquoise-green background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Three Covid-Virus, xart splitta logo, hands with hearts joining in circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

In Covid, Crisis & Care we will discuss the covid-19 pandemic, crises and (self-) care from a cross-community perspective. Crises are not uncommon, especially for people with intersectional experiences of discrimination; stressful or traumatic experiences are rather an everyday life reality. However, a common global pandemic is a new dimension for all of us. Therefore, we would like to talk about: 2 years of Covid – what have we learned and how will it continue?
Which coping strategies have BIPoC communities developed for crises so far? Which ones have changed in the Covid 19 pandemic? Which ones are new? What are similar and different starting points, experiences and consequences? What could be a useful actual allyship? Where do we need more solidarity(s) with each other? 

In the four workshops we will discuss possibilities of support, allyship and empowerment from different perspectives and with the support of different inputs. Afterwards, we will end the day together with a closing panel. In this panel, we will bring together the discussions of the workshops and jointly envision and address future perspectives. 


10 am-3pm workshops:

Workshop 1: Empowerment Crisesmanagement & (Self-) Care for BIPoC

Workshop 2: Allyship & Awareness for BIPoC

Workshop 3: Possibilities of allyship for white people

11am-2pm: Healing Circle for BIPoC

4.30pm-6pm: Final panel In.Solidarity with Anifa Heinrich, Can Tunç and Dee. Moderated by Tuğba Tanyılmaz and Juliana Kolberg.

Picture In.Solidarity II, logo xart splitta, Migrationrat Berlin and ComE In, computer with meeting ID: 664 2637 1416 and identification code: 05896503, writing: Panel discussion 4.30pm-6pm, Friday 12th, In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crises & Care
Click here for the panel!

Participation in the event is only possible with prior registration. The workshops will take place parallel with but on a different channel than the closing panel. The number of participants for the workshops is limited. 

Please register by Friday, 05.11.2021 via

Please note: Some workshops are designed as safe spaces and are only open to BIPoC. The panel is open for everybody.

It would be great if you could write something about the following points in your registration: 

  • Which workshop do you want to participate in?
  • Would you also like to attend the closing panel? 
  • Why have you decided to participate in the workshop/closing panel? 
  • How have you dealt with the topic of the workshop and cross-community solidarity(s) so far? 

The event will take place online and in presence. In English and in German spoken language with interpretation german – english, as well as german sign language.

The event takes place in cooperation with ComE In, a Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. 
project and within the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken, funded by LADS. 

Broschüre 2022
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care

Friday, 12th of November 2021, 10 AM-6 PM 

Here comes another round of In.Solidarity – Pls. find here what we did last year, together with the ndo

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a turquoise-green background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Three Covid-Virus, xart splitta logo, hands with hearts joining in circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

In Covid, Crisis & Care we will discuss the covid-19 pandemic, crises and (self-) care from a cross-community perspective. Crises are not uncommon, especially for people with intersectional experiences of discrimination; stressful or traumatic experiences are rather an everyday life reality. However, a common global pandemic is a new dimension for all of us. Therefore, we would like to talk about: 2 years of Covid – what have we learned and how will it continue?
Which coping strategies have BIPoC communities developed for crises so far? Which ones have changed in the Covid 19 pandemic? Which ones are new? What are similar and different starting points, experiences and consequences? What could be a useful actual allyship? Where do we need more solidarity(s) with each other? 

In the four workshops we will discuss possibilities of support, allyship and empowerment from different perspectives and with the support of different inputs. Afterwards, we will end the day together with a closing panel. In this panel, we will bring together the discussions of the workshops and jointly envision and address future perspectives. 


10 am-3pm workshops:

Workshop 1: Empowerment Crisesmanagement & (Self-) Care for BIPoC

Workshop 2: Allyship & Awareness for BIPoC

Workshop 3: Possibilities of allyship for white people

11am-2pm: Healing Circle for BIPoC

4.30pm-6pm: Final panel In.Solidarity with Anifa Heinrich, Can Tunç and Dee. Moderated by Tuğba Tanyılmaz and Juliana Kolberg.

Picture In.Solidarity II, logo xart splitta, Migrationrat Berlin and ComE In, computer with meeting ID: 664 2637 1416 and identification code: 05896503, writing: Panel discussion 4.30pm-6pm, Friday 12th, In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crises & Care
Click here for the panel!

Participation in the event is only possible with prior registration. The workshops will take place parallel with but on a different channel than the closing panel. The number of participants for the workshops is limited. 

Please register by Friday, 05.11.2021 via

Please note: Some workshops are designed as safe spaces and are only open to BIPoC. The panel is open for everybody.

It would be great if you could write something about the following points in your registration: 

  • Which workshop do you want to participate in?
  • Would you also like to attend the closing panel? 
  • Why have you decided to participate in the workshop/closing panel? 
  • How have you dealt with the topic of the workshop and cross-community solidarity(s) so far? 

The event will take place online and in presence. In English and in German spoken language with interpretation german – english, as well as german sign language.

The event takes place in cooperation with ComE In, a Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. 
project and within the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken, funded by LADS. 

Broschüre 2022
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care

Friday, 12th of November 2021, 10 AM-6 PM 

Here comes another round of In.Solidarity – Pls. find here what we did last year, together with the ndo

Repeated writing in yellow, pink, blue on a turquoise-green background: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Images from top right to bottom left: Three Covid-Virus, xart splitta logo, hands with hearts joining in circle, speech bubble with heart, logo Migrationrat Berlin and logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersectional.

In Covid, Crisis & Care we will discuss the covid-19 pandemic, crises and (self-) care from a cross-community perspective. Crises are not uncommon, especially for people with intersectional experiences of discrimination; stressful or traumatic experiences are rather an everyday life reality. However, a common global pandemic is a new dimension for all of us. Therefore, we would like to talk about: 2 years of Covid – what have we learned and how will it continue?
Which coping strategies have BIPoC communities developed for crises so far? Which ones have changed in the Covid 19 pandemic? Which ones are new? What are similar and different starting points, experiences and consequences? What could be a useful actual allyship? Where do we need more solidarity(s) with each other? 

In the four workshops we will discuss possibilities of support, allyship and empowerment from different perspectives and with the support of different inputs. Afterwards, we will end the day together with a closing panel. In this panel, we will bring together the discussions of the workshops and jointly envision and address future perspectives. 


10 am-3pm workshops:

Workshop 1: Empowerment Crisesmanagement & (Self-) Care for BIPoC

Workshop 2: Allyship & Awareness for BIPoC

Workshop 3: Possibilities of allyship for white people

11am-2pm: Healing Circle for BIPoC

4.30pm-6pm: Final panel In.Solidarity with Anifa Heinrich, Can Tunç and Dee. Moderated by Tuğba Tanyılmaz and Juliana Kolberg.

Picture In.Solidarity II, logo xart splitta, Migrationrat Berlin and ComE In, computer with meeting ID: 664 2637 1416 and identification code: 05896503, writing: Panel discussion 4.30pm-6pm, Friday 12th, In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crises & Care
Click here for the panel!

Participation in the event is only possible with prior registration. The workshops will take place parallel with but on a different channel than the closing panel. The number of participants for the workshops is limited. 

Please register by Friday, 05.11.2021 via

Please note: Some workshops are designed as safe spaces and are only open to BIPoC. The panel is open for everybody.

It would be great if you could write something about the following points in your registration: 

  • Which workshop do you want to participate in?
  • Would you also like to attend the closing panel? 
  • Why have you decided to participate in the workshop/closing panel? 
  • How have you dealt with the topic of the workshop and cross-community solidarity(s) so far? 

The event will take place online and in presence. In English and in German spoken language with interpretation german – english, as well as german sign language.

The event takes place in cooperation with ComE In, a Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. 
project and within the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken, funded by LADS. 

Wir brauchen i-PÄD!
In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care

Zur Dokumentation: The Living Archives

Freitag, den 12.11.2021, 10-18h

In.Solidarity geht in die zweite Runde – Was wir letztes Jahr gemeinsam mit den ndo gemacht haben findet ihr hier.

Wiederholter Schriftzug in Gelb, Rosa, Blau auf türkis-grünem Hintergrund: "In.Solidarity II - In Covid, Crisis & Care". Bilder von rechts oben nach links unten: Corona-Viren, xart splitta Logo, Hände mit Herzen im Kreis zusammen führend, Sprechblase mit Herz, Logo Migrationsrat Berlin und Logo ComE In - Community, Empowerment, Intersektional

In Covid, Crisis & Care beschäftigen wir uns aus einer Community-übergreifenden Perspektive mit der Covid-19-Pandemie, Krisen und (Self-)Care.
Krisen sind vor allem für Menschen mit mehrdimensionalen Diskriminierungserfahrungen keine Seltenheit, stressvolle oder traumatische Erfahrungen sind vielmehr alltägliche Lebensrealitäten. Eine gemeinsame globale Pandemie ist jedoch für uns alle eine neue Dimension.
Deswegen möchten wir gemeinsam besprechen: 2 Jahre Covid – was haben wir gelernt und wie wird es weiter gehen?
Welche Umgangsstrategien haben BIPoC-Communities für Krisen entwickelt? Welche haben sich in der Covid-19-Pandemie verändert? Welche sind neu dazugekommen?
Wo gleichen und wo unterscheiden sich Ausgangspunkte, Erfahrungen und Konsequenzen?
Was könnte tatsächliches praktisches Allyship sein? Wo brauchen wir mehr Solidarität(en) miteinander?

In den vier Halbtagesworkshops werden wir aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und mit Unterstützung unterschiedlicher Inputs, Möglichkeiten des Supports, Allyship und des Empowerments diskutieren. Anschließend beenden wir mit einem
gemeinsam Abschlusspanel den Tag. In diesem werden wir die Inhalte der Workshops zusammenführen und gemeinsam Zukunftsperspektiven visionieren und thematisieren.


10-15 Uhr Workshops:

Workshop 1: Empowerment Crisismanagement & (Self-) Care für BIPoC

Workshop 2: Allyship & Awareness für BIPoC

Workshop 3: Möglichkeiten des Allyship für weiße Menschen

11-14 Uhr: Healing Circle für BIPoC

16.30-18 Uhr: Abschlusspanel In.Solidarity mit Anifa Heinrich, Can Tunç und Dee. Moderiert von Tuğba Tanyılmaz und Juliana Kolberg.

Bild In.Solidarity II, Logo xart splitta, Migrationsrat und ComE In, Computer mit Meeting ID: 664 2637 1416 und Kenncode: 05896503, Schriftzug: Panelgespräch 16.30-18.ooUhr, Freitag 12.11.2021, In.Solidarity II – In Covid, Crisis & Care
Hier geht’s zum Panel!

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist nur mit vorheriger Anmeldung möglich. Die Workshops finden parallel statt und werden über einen anderen Kanal als das Abschlusspanel laufen. Die Teilnehmer*innenzahl für die Workshops ist begrenzt.

Anmeldungen bitte bis Freitag, den 05.11.2021 an

Wichtiger Hinweis: Manche Workshops sind als Safer Spaces konzipiert und nur für BIPoC zugänglich. Das Panel ist für alle Interessierten geöffnet.

Es wäre toll, wenn ihr bei eurer Anmeldung zu folgenden Punkten etwas schreiben würdet:

  • An welchem Workshop möchtest du teilnehmen?
  • Möchtest du auch am Abschlusspanel teilnehmen?
  • Warum hast du dich für die Teilnahme an dem Workshop/Abschlusspanel entschieden?
  • Auf welche Weise hast du dich bisher mit dem Thema des Workshops und Community-übergreifender Solidarität(en) beschäftigt?

Die Veranstaltung findet online und in Präsenz statt. In englischer und deutscher Lautsprache, das Panel wird DT-ENG und DGS verdolmetscht.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit ComE In, einem Projekt des Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. und im Rahmen des, von der LADS geförderten Projektes, #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.

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