In.Solidarity – Retrospectives, insights and perspectives on community collaboration

In.Solidarity – Rückblicke, Einblicke und Ausblicke auf Communityzusammenarbeit
Online-Präsentation „The Living Archives“
In.Solidarity – Rückblicke, Einblicke und Ausblicke auf Communityzusammenarbeit
Online-Präsentation „The Living Archives“

Friday, 20.11.2020, 10-17h

In this event, we will deal with the topic of solidarity from a cross-community perspective at various levels.

The topic will be looked at from a historical perspective as well as the current situation and possible visions for the future.

One focus will be on the resistant moment of cross-community solidarity. We want to understand this by means of historical entanglements as well as common and shared struggles. In this context, we will explore the question of what possibilities solidarity offers for dismantling power hierarchies and counteracting „divide and rule“ mechanisms.

At the same time, we want to deal with power hierarchies and discursive voids within our communities and, in addition to collective memory/experience, also take into account specific (historical) experiences of individual communities. In this context we will deal with the topics of community building, media (under-/miss-) representation of communities, conflicts and marginalization(s), and (shared) knowledge production.

In an opening panel, Vanessa Thompson (European University Viadrina), Tayo Awosusi-Onutor (RomaniPhen Archive) and Ed Greve (Migrationrat Berlin) will discuss a review of the struggles of racialized communities in Germany and developments from the past 10 years until today.

In four subsequent parallel workshops, activists and scholars will have the opportunity to explore a dimension of cross-community solidarity.

Workshop 1: Comm.Unity Building – [Do you have a good idea for the German subtitle here?] – Moderation: Emine Aslan & ?

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the strategies, opportunities and challenges of community building. The term „community“ itself will be examined in detail. What does „community“ actually mean for us as individuals or in our community-near/community-oriented work and how do we deal with the field of tension between external marking and self-positioning in the context of developing identity and belonging? We will ask how attempts at division and „divide and rule“ mechanisms can be identified and counteracted. Last but not least, in the context of this workshop, the topic of „Safer Spaces“ could also be addressed and the extent to which a critical view of this concept is important for successful and sustainable community building could be considered.

Workshop 2: Re.Presentation – Solidarity and Media Representation – Moderation: N.N.

This workshop will address the representation of certain communities in the media and the question why some communities are more visible than others and how under- or misrepresentation can be counteracted in solidarity. In this context, practical examples and options for action will be presented and discussed. What possibilities are there for setting common themes and making marginalized perspectives visible in media spaces?


Workshop 3: Know.Ledge – Knowledge Production and Knowledge Transfer – Moderation: Sarah Ahmed (Educationalist – University of Bremen)

This workshop will focus on cross-community and collaborative knowledge production and its transfer. In doing so, we want to deal with the following questions: Which cross-community knowledge bases already exist? How did they come about? How can marginalized perspectives and experiences irritate the dominant discourse? How can we write history(s) together without reproducing discursive dominance?

Workshop 4: Con.Flicts & Com.Petitions – Strategies for dealing with conflicts and competition – Moderation: Danna Bader (systemic consultant, supervisor, conflict consultant)

Even though communities are places where many of us can feel safe, these „spaces“ are often also places where conflicts and competition take place. This applies both within specific communities and between different communities. The permanently increased stress levels caused by intersectional discrimination and social marginalization and the existential fears associated with this contribute to the fact that such conflicts and competition are additionally promoted. Added to this are supposedly or actually conflicting interests and priorities. In this workshop we want to deal with the topics of conflicts and competition.  How can conflicts be addressed without escalating? How can the potential of conflicts be used constructively? How can we be in solidarity despite these conflicts? And finally, to what extent is failure also necessary so that we can develop together as communities?

In a final panel the contents of the workshops will be brought together and ideas for alternative visions of the future will be exchanged.



10:00: Greeting Iman Attia (xart splitta) and … (ndo)

10:30-12:15 Panel discussion: „Common history – then and now…?

with Vanessa E. Thompson, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor and Ed Greve Moderation: Fatima El-Sayed (ndo)

12:15-13:15: Break

13.15-15:30: Start of parallel workshops

15:30-15:45: Break

15:45-16:15: Reading of the „Migrantenstadl“

16:15-17:00: Final panel: „Solidary Visions for Tomorrow“ with Emine Aslan, …, Sarah Ahmed and Danna Bader. Moderation: Iris Rajanayagam (xart splitta)

Sarah Ahmed studied Islamic Studies and Arabic Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, where she is a lecturer and researcher in the fields and interfaces of Black Feminist Studies, Critical Race Theories, Diaspora and Religion, with a special focus on racism criticism, migration research and Black Europe. Since 2020, she has been working as a research assistant at the University of Bremen in the Department of Education and Educational Sciences, where she also deals with the topic of racism and the question of identity and affiliation of BIPoC in short stories, poems, spoken word performances and in the form of video installations.


For 9 years now Tunay Önder and Imad Mustafa have been thinking, writing, curating and designing together under the label migrantenstadl. Their work focuses on social undesirable developments, sometimes critically-analytically, sometimes Dadaistically-artistically: they counter current reports from the periphery, wordayntöffs and manifestos that design a post-migrant society from below, in which the perspectives of marginalized people are the main thing and not accessories.

Tunay Önder successfully got into debt with her studies in sociology, politics and ethnology and has since been working as a migrant worker between various parallel societies such as science, pedagogy and theater. Her main interest is in a migration society free of domination and how one can approach it by talking, writing and acting. At the last Wiesbaden Biennale in 2018, she curated and organized the Migrantenstadl as a 10-day happening;

Imad Mustafa was not quite as indebted. Likes Hip Hop and Umm Kulthoum, as well as political science and sociology. Worked as a freelance author and editor for various media. Currently lecturer and researcher at the University of Erfurt. Main research and work areas: Protest research, right-wing populism and racism, political Islam, Islam in Germany and German media.

Tayo Awosusi-Onutor is singer, author, director, political activist, mother and lives in Berlin. She calls herself Afro-Sintezza. She interprets her music in English, German and Romanes. She also lends her voice to film and TV as a dubbing singer and voiceover artist. Tayo studied German and Multimedia. She is a member of the board of RomaniPhen e.V. and a member of the IniRromnja.she deals with the topics education, history and civil rights movement.2017 she published the documentary „Phral mende – Wir über uns. Perspectives of Sinti and Roma in Germany. „Tayo is also politically involved in various Communities of Colour. further information can be found at andwww.romnja-power.deDie.

The event is being held in cooperation with the neuen deutschen organisationen in the framework of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is supported by the Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung and Stiftung Mercator.

Please register for both days by 17.11.2020:

It is possible to register for both days as well as for one of them. Please let us know in which workshop you would like to participate when you register for the 20.11.

The event will be held online and in German. We will send the access information to all registered persons on 18.11.

In.Solidarity – Rückblicke, Einblicke und Ausblicke auf Communityzusammenarbeit
Online-Präsentation „The Living Archives“

Friday, 20.11.2020, 10-17h

In this event, we will deal with the topic of solidarity from a cross-community perspective at various levels.

The topic will be looked at from a historical perspective as well as the current situation and possible visions for the future.

One focus will be on the resistant moment of cross-community solidarity. We want to understand this by means of historical entanglements as well as common and shared struggles. In this context, we will explore the question of what possibilities solidarity offers for dismantling power hierarchies and counteracting „divide and rule“ mechanisms.

At the same time, we want to deal with power hierarchies and discursive voids within our communities and, in addition to collective memory/experience, also take into account specific (historical) experiences of individual communities. In this context we will deal with the topics of community building, media (under-/miss-) representation of communities, conflicts and marginalization(s), and (shared) knowledge production.

In an opening panel, Vanessa Thompson (European University Viadrina), Tayo Awosusi-Onutor (RomaniPhen Archive) and Ed Greve (Migrationrat Berlin) will discuss a review of the struggles of racialized communities in Germany and developments from the past 10 years until today.

In four subsequent parallel workshops, activists and scholars will have the opportunity to explore a dimension of cross-community solidarity.

Workshop 1: Comm.Unity Building – [Do you have a good idea for the German subtitle here?] – Moderation: Emine Aslan & ?

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the strategies, opportunities and challenges of community building. The term „community“ itself will be examined in detail. What does „community“ actually mean for us as individuals or in our community-near/community-oriented work and how do we deal with the field of tension between external marking and self-positioning in the context of developing identity and belonging? We will ask how attempts at division and „divide and rule“ mechanisms can be identified and counteracted. Last but not least, in the context of this workshop, the topic of „Safer Spaces“ could also be addressed and the extent to which a critical view of this concept is important for successful and sustainable community building could be considered.

Workshop 2: Re.Presentation – Solidarity and Media Representation – Moderation: N.N.

This workshop will address the representation of certain communities in the media and the question why some communities are more visible than others and how under- or misrepresentation can be counteracted in solidarity. In this context, practical examples and options for action will be presented and discussed. What possibilities are there for setting common themes and making marginalized perspectives visible in media spaces?


Workshop 3: Know.Ledge – Knowledge Production and Knowledge Transfer – Moderation: Sarah Ahmed (Educationalist – University of Bremen)

This workshop will focus on cross-community and collaborative knowledge production and its transfer. In doing so, we want to deal with the following questions: Which cross-community knowledge bases already exist? How did they come about? How can marginalized perspectives and experiences irritate the dominant discourse? How can we write history(s) together without reproducing discursive dominance?

Workshop 4: Con.Flicts & Com.Petitions – Strategies for dealing with conflicts and competition – Moderation: Danna Bader (systemic consultant, supervisor, conflict consultant)

Even though communities are places where many of us can feel safe, these „spaces“ are often also places where conflicts and competition take place. This applies both within specific communities and between different communities. The permanently increased stress levels caused by intersectional discrimination and social marginalization and the existential fears associated with this contribute to the fact that such conflicts and competition are additionally promoted. Added to this are supposedly or actually conflicting interests and priorities. In this workshop we want to deal with the topics of conflicts and competition.  How can conflicts be addressed without escalating? How can the potential of conflicts be used constructively? How can we be in solidarity despite these conflicts? And finally, to what extent is failure also necessary so that we can develop together as communities?

In a final panel the contents of the workshops will be brought together and ideas for alternative visions of the future will be exchanged.



10:00: Greeting Iman Attia (xart splitta) and … (ndo)

10:30-12:15 Panel discussion: „Common history – then and now…?

with Vanessa E. Thompson, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor and Ed Greve Moderation: Fatima El-Sayed (ndo)

12:15-13:15: Break

13.15-15:30: Start of parallel workshops

15:30-15:45: Break

15:45-16:15: Reading of the „Migrantenstadl“

16:15-17:00: Final panel: „Solidary Visions for Tomorrow“ with Emine Aslan, …, Sarah Ahmed and Danna Bader. Moderation: Iris Rajanayagam (xart splitta)

Sarah Ahmed studied Islamic Studies and Arabic Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, where she is a lecturer and researcher in the fields and interfaces of Black Feminist Studies, Critical Race Theories, Diaspora and Religion, with a special focus on racism criticism, migration research and Black Europe. Since 2020, she has been working as a research assistant at the University of Bremen in the Department of Education and Educational Sciences, where she also deals with the topic of racism and the question of identity and affiliation of BIPoC in short stories, poems, spoken word performances and in the form of video installations.


For 9 years now Tunay Önder and Imad Mustafa have been thinking, writing, curating and designing together under the label migrantenstadl. Their work focuses on social undesirable developments, sometimes critically-analytically, sometimes Dadaistically-artistically: they counter current reports from the periphery, wordayntöffs and manifestos that design a post-migrant society from below, in which the perspectives of marginalized people are the main thing and not accessories.

Tunay Önder successfully got into debt with her studies in sociology, politics and ethnology and has since been working as a migrant worker between various parallel societies such as science, pedagogy and theater. Her main interest is in a migration society free of domination and how one can approach it by talking, writing and acting. At the last Wiesbaden Biennale in 2018, she curated and organized the Migrantenstadl as a 10-day happening;

Imad Mustafa was not quite as indebted. Likes Hip Hop and Umm Kulthoum, as well as political science and sociology. Worked as a freelance author and editor for various media. Currently lecturer and researcher at the University of Erfurt. Main research and work areas: Protest research, right-wing populism and racism, political Islam, Islam in Germany and German media.

Tayo Awosusi-Onutor is singer, author, director, political activist, mother and lives in Berlin. She calls herself Afro-Sintezza. She interprets her music in English, German and Romanes. She also lends her voice to film and TV as a dubbing singer and voiceover artist. Tayo studied German and Multimedia. She is a member of the board of RomaniPhen e.V. and a member of the IniRromnja.she deals with the topics education, history and civil rights movement.2017 she published the documentary „Phral mende – Wir über uns. Perspectives of Sinti and Roma in Germany. „Tayo is also politically involved in various Communities of Colour. further information can be found at andwww.romnja-power.deDie.

The event is being held in cooperation with the neuen deutschen organisationen in the framework of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is supported by the Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung and Stiftung Mercator.

Please register for both days by 17.11.2020:

It is possible to register for both days as well as for one of them. Please let us know in which workshop you would like to participate when you register for the 20.11.

The event will be held online and in German. We will send the access information to all registered persons on 18.11.

In.Solidarity – Rückblicke, Einblicke und Ausblicke auf Communityzusammenarbeit
Online-Präsentation „The Living Archives“

Friday, 20.11.2020, 10-17h

In this event, we will deal with the topic of solidarity from a cross-community perspective at various levels.

The topic will be looked at from a historical perspective as well as the current situation and possible visions for the future.

One focus will be on the resistant moment of cross-community solidarity. We want to understand this by means of historical entanglements as well as common and shared struggles. In this context, we will explore the question of what possibilities solidarity offers for dismantling power hierarchies and counteracting „divide and rule“ mechanisms.

At the same time, we want to deal with power hierarchies and discursive voids within our communities and, in addition to collective memory/experience, also take into account specific (historical) experiences of individual communities. In this context we will deal with the topics of community building, media (under-/miss-) representation of communities, conflicts and marginalization(s), and (shared) knowledge production.

In an opening panel, Vanessa Thompson (European University Viadrina), Tayo Awosusi-Onutor (RomaniPhen Archive) and Ed Greve (Migrationrat Berlin) will discuss a review of the struggles of racialized communities in Germany and developments from the past 10 years until today.

In four subsequent parallel workshops, activists and scholars will have the opportunity to explore a dimension of cross-community solidarity.

Workshop 1: Comm.Unity Building – [Do you have a good idea for the German subtitle here?] – Moderation: Emine Aslan & ?

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the strategies, opportunities and challenges of community building. The term „community“ itself will be examined in detail. What does „community“ actually mean for us as individuals or in our community-near/community-oriented work and how do we deal with the field of tension between external marking and self-positioning in the context of developing identity and belonging? We will ask how attempts at division and „divide and rule“ mechanisms can be identified and counteracted. Last but not least, in the context of this workshop, the topic of „Safer Spaces“ could also be addressed and the extent to which a critical view of this concept is important for successful and sustainable community building could be considered.

Workshop 2: Re.Presentation – Solidarity and Media Representation – Moderation: N.N.

This workshop will address the representation of certain communities in the media and the question why some communities are more visible than others and how under- or misrepresentation can be counteracted in solidarity. In this context, practical examples and options for action will be presented and discussed. What possibilities are there for setting common themes and making marginalized perspectives visible in media spaces?


Workshop 3: Know.Ledge – Knowledge Production and Knowledge Transfer – Moderation: Sarah Ahmed (Educationalist – University of Bremen)

This workshop will focus on cross-community and collaborative knowledge production and its transfer. In doing so, we want to deal with the following questions: Which cross-community knowledge bases already exist? How did they come about? How can marginalized perspectives and experiences irritate the dominant discourse? How can we write history(s) together without reproducing discursive dominance?

Workshop 4: Con.Flicts & Com.Petitions – Strategies for dealing with conflicts and competition – Moderation: Danna Bader (systemic consultant, supervisor, conflict consultant)

Even though communities are places where many of us can feel safe, these „spaces“ are often also places where conflicts and competition take place. This applies both within specific communities and between different communities. The permanently increased stress levels caused by intersectional discrimination and social marginalization and the existential fears associated with this contribute to the fact that such conflicts and competition are additionally promoted. Added to this are supposedly or actually conflicting interests and priorities. In this workshop we want to deal with the topics of conflicts and competition.  How can conflicts be addressed without escalating? How can the potential of conflicts be used constructively? How can we be in solidarity despite these conflicts? And finally, to what extent is failure also necessary so that we can develop together as communities?

In a final panel the contents of the workshops will be brought together and ideas for alternative visions of the future will be exchanged.



10:00: Greeting Iman Attia (xart splitta) and … (ndo)

10:30-12:15 Panel discussion: „Common history – then and now…?

with Vanessa E. Thompson, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor and Ed Greve Moderation: Fatima El-Sayed (ndo)

12:15-13:15: Break

13.15-15:30: Start of parallel workshops

15:30-15:45: Break

15:45-16:15: Reading of the „Migrantenstadl“

16:15-17:00: Final panel: „Solidary Visions for Tomorrow“ with Emine Aslan, …, Sarah Ahmed and Danna Bader. Moderation: Iris Rajanayagam (xart splitta)

Sarah Ahmed studied Islamic Studies and Arabic Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, where she is a lecturer and researcher in the fields and interfaces of Black Feminist Studies, Critical Race Theories, Diaspora and Religion, with a special focus on racism criticism, migration research and Black Europe. Since 2020, she has been working as a research assistant at the University of Bremen in the Department of Education and Educational Sciences, where she also deals with the topic of racism and the question of identity and affiliation of BIPoC in short stories, poems, spoken word performances and in the form of video installations.


For 9 years now Tunay Önder and Imad Mustafa have been thinking, writing, curating and designing together under the label migrantenstadl. Their work focuses on social undesirable developments, sometimes critically-analytically, sometimes Dadaistically-artistically: they counter current reports from the periphery, wordayntöffs and manifestos that design a post-migrant society from below, in which the perspectives of marginalized people are the main thing and not accessories.

Tunay Önder successfully got into debt with her studies in sociology, politics and ethnology and has since been working as a migrant worker between various parallel societies such as science, pedagogy and theater. Her main interest is in a migration society free of domination and how one can approach it by talking, writing and acting. At the last Wiesbaden Biennale in 2018, she curated and organized the Migrantenstadl as a 10-day happening;

Imad Mustafa was not quite as indebted. Likes Hip Hop and Umm Kulthoum, as well as political science and sociology. Worked as a freelance author and editor for various media. Currently lecturer and researcher at the University of Erfurt. Main research and work areas: Protest research, right-wing populism and racism, political Islam, Islam in Germany and German media.

Tayo Awosusi-Onutor is singer, author, director, political activist, mother and lives in Berlin. She calls herself Afro-Sintezza. She interprets her music in English, German and Romanes. She also lends her voice to film and TV as a dubbing singer and voiceover artist. Tayo studied German and Multimedia. She is a member of the board of RomaniPhen e.V. and a member of the IniRromnja.she deals with the topics education, history and civil rights movement.2017 she published the documentary „Phral mende – Wir über uns. Perspectives of Sinti and Roma in Germany. „Tayo is also politically involved in various Communities of Colour. further information can be found at andwww.romnja-power.deDie.

The event is being held in cooperation with the neuen deutschen organisationen in the framework of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is supported by the Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung and Stiftung Mercator.

Please register for both days by 17.11.2020:

It is possible to register for both days as well as for one of them. Please let us know in which workshop you would like to participate when you register for the 20.11.

The event will be held online and in German. We will send the access information to all registered persons on 18.11.

Afrofilm Screening #1 I Diasporic Realities
In.Solidarity – Retrospectives, insights and perspectives on community collaboration

Zur Dokumentation: The Living Archives

Freitag, 20.11.2020, 10-18h

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „In.Solidarity“ beschäftigen wir uns aus einer communityübergreifenden Perspektive und auf verschiedenen Ebenen mit dem Thema Solidarität. Wir werden das Thema aus einer historischen Perspektive betrachten, die gegenwärtige Situation beleuchten und mögliche Zukunftsvisionen entwerfen.

Einen Fokus legen wir auf das widerständige Moment communityübergreifender Solidarität. Diese wollen wir anhand geschichtlicher Verwobenheit und entlang von gemeinsamen und geteilten Kämpfen nachvollziehen. In diesem Kontext gehen wir der Frage nach, welche Möglichkeiten Solidarität bietet, um Machthierarchien abzubauen und „Teile und Herrsche“-Mechanismen entgegenzuwirken.

Gleichzeitig werden wir uns mit Machthierarchien und diskursiven Leerstellen innerhalb unserer Communities auseinandersetzen und dabei – neben kollektiven Erinnerungen – auch spezifische (historische) Erfahrungen einzelner Communities in den Blick nehmen. In diesem Zusammenhang wenden wir uns den Themen Community Organising, mediale (Unter-/Miss-) Repräsentation von Communities, Konflikte und Marginalisierung(en) und (gemeinsame) Wissensproduktion zu.

Zum Auftakt der Veranstaltung geben Vanessa E. Thompson, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor und Ed Greve in einem eröffnenden Panel einen Rückblick auf Kämpfe rassifizierter Communities in Deutschland und diskutieren die Entwicklungen der vergangenen 10 Jahre bis heute.

In vier darauffolgenden parallelen Workshops gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich gemeinsam mit Aktivist*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen mit unterschiedlichen Dimensionen communityübergreifender Solidarität auseinanderzusetzen.

In einem Abschlusspanel werden die Inhalte der Workshops zusammengeführt und Ideen für alternative Zukunftsvisionen ausgetauscht.


Grußwort: Iman Attia (xart splitta) und Karim El-Helaifi (ndo)

Panelgespräch: „Gemeinsame Geschichte_n – damals und heute…?“ mit Vanessa E. Thompson, Tayo Awosusi-Onutor und Ed Greve. Moderation: Fatima El Sayed


Vier parallel stattfindende Workshops:

Workshop 1: Comm.Unity Organising – Strategien, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen

Workshop 2: Re.Presentation – Solidarität und mediale Repräsentation

Workshop 3: Know.Ledge – Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer

Workshop 4: Com.Petitions & Con.Flicts – Solidarischer Umgang mit Konflikten und Konkurrenzen


Lesung des Migrantenstadls

Abschlusspanel:„Solidarische Visionen für morgen“ mit Emine Aslan, Thu Hoài Tran, Sarah Ahmed und Danna Bader. Moderation: Iris Rajanayagam


Workshop 1: Com.Unity Organising – Strategien, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen
Moderation: Emine Aslan

Dieser Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit, sich mit Strategien, Möglichkeiten aber auch Herausforderungen des Community Buildings auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei soll der Begriff „Community“ an sich unter die Lupe genommen werden. Was heißt für uns als Individuen „Community“ oder in unserer Arbeit Community-nah/Community-orientiert tatsächlich und wie gehen wir im Rahmen der Entwicklung von Identität und Zugehörigkeit mit dem Spannungsfeld Fremdmarkierung und Selbstpositionierung um? Es wird danach gefragt, wie Spaltungsversuche und „Divide and Rule“-Mechanismen identifiziert und ihnen entgegengewirkt werden kann. Nicht zuletzt könnte im Kontext dieses Workshops auch das Thema „Safer Spaces“ angeschnitten und darüber nachgedacht werden, inwieweit eine kritische Betrachtung dieses Konzepts wichtig für ein erfolgreiches und nachhaltiges Community Building ist.


Workshop 2: Re.Presentation – Solidarität und mediale Repräsentation
Moderation: Thu Hoài Tran

Dieser Workshop setzt sich einerseits mit der Repräsentation bestimmter Communities in den Medien auseinander und geht der Frage nach, warum einige Communities stärker sichtbar sind als andere und wie der Unter- oder Missrepräsentation solidarisch entgegengewirkt werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang werden praktische Beispiele und Handlungsoptionen vorgestellt und darüber diskutiert, welche Möglichkeiten es gibt, gemeinsame Themen zu setzen und marginalisierte Perspektiven in medialen Räumen sichtbar zu machen.


Workshop 3: Know.Ledge – Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer
Moderation: Sarah Ahmed

In diesem Workshop wird die communityübergreifende und kollaborative Wissensproduktion und deren Transfer in den Blick genommen. Dabei werden wir uns mit folgenden Fragen beschäftigen: Welche communityübergreifenden Wissensbestände gibt es schon? Wie sind sie entstanden? Wie können marginalisierte Perspektiven und Erfahrungen den dominanten Diskurs irritieren? Wie können wir gemeinsam Geschichte(n) schreiben, ohne diskursive Dominanzen zu reproduzieren?


Workshop 4: Com.Petitions & Con.Flicts – Solidarischer Umgang mit Konflikten und Konkurrenzen Moderation: Danna Bader

Auch wenn Communities für viele von uns Orte sind, in denen wir uns sicher fühlen können, sind diese „Räume“ nicht selten auch Orte, in denen Konflikte und Konkurrenzen stattfinden. Dies gilt sowohl innerhalb von spezifischen Communities als auch zwischen unterschiedlichen Communities. Das durch intersektionale Diskriminierung und gesellschaftliche Marginalisierung herbeigeführte, permanent erhöhte Stresslevel und die existenziellen Ängste, die damit zusammenhängen, tragen dazu bei, dass solche Konflikte und Konkurrenzen zusätzlich befördert werden. Hinzu kommen vermeintlich oder tatsächlich gegensätzliche Interessen und Prioritäten. In diesem Workshop wollen wir uns konkret mit den Themen Konflikte und Konkurrenzen beschäftigen. Wie können Konflikte adressiert werden, ohne zu eskalieren? Wie kann das Potential von Konflikten konstruktiv genutzt werden? Wie können wir trotz dieser Konflikte solidarisch sein? Und schließlich: inwieweit ist auch Scheitern notwendig, damit wir uns als Communities gemeinsam weiterentwickeln können?


Zur Lesung des Migrantenstadls

Vom Blog zum Buch zur Performance. Seit nunmehr 9 Jahren denken, schreiben, kuratieren und gestalten Tunay Önder und Imad Mustafa gemeinsam unter dem Label migrantenstadl. Im Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit setzen sie sich mal kritisch-analytisch, mal dadaistisch-künstlerisch mit gesellschaftlichen Fehlentwicklungen auseinander: Allzu deutschen Zuständen, Rassismus-, Integrations- oder Heimatdiskursen setzen sie aktuelle Berichte aus der Peripherie, Wörterayntöffe und Manifeste entgegen, die eine postmigrantische Gesellschaft von unten entwerfen, in der die Perspektiven marginalisierter Menschen Hauptsache sind und nicht Beiwerk.


Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist nur mit vorheriger Anmeldung möglich. Die Teilnehmer*innenzahl ist begrenzt.

Anmeldungen bitte bis zum 16.11.2020 an unter

Bitte bei der Anmeldung angeben:

Vorname Nachname, ggf. Organisation (für die Ihr tätig seid), Nummer des Workshops, an dem Ihr teilnehmen möchtet.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Die Workshops sind als Safer Space konzipiert und nur für BIPoC zugänglich. Die Panels sind für alle Interessierten geöffnet.

Die Veranstaltung findet online und in deutscher Lautsprache statt. Die Zugangsinformationen verschicken wir am 19.11.2020 an alle angemeldeten Personen.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit den neuen deutschen organisationen und im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt und wird gefördert du die Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung – gegen Diskriminierung und die Stiftung Mercator.

Gefördert von:



Credits: Maria von Usslar

Sarah Ahmed studierte Islamwissenschaften und Arabistik an der Universität Wien. Ihre Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeiten liegen in Feldern und Schnittstellen der Black Feminist Studies, Critical Race Theories, Diaspora und Religion, mit besonderem Fokus auf Rassismuskritik, Migrationsforschung und Black Europe. Sarah gibt zudem Trainings zu den Themen Empowerment und Critical Whiteness.
Seit 2020 ist sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Uni Bremen im Fachbereich Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften tätig. Auch bearbeitet Sarah Ahmed die Thematik des Rassismus sowie die Frage von Identität und Zugehörigkeit von BIPoC in Kurzgeschichten, Gedichten, Spoken Word-Auftritten und in Form von Videoinstallationen.


Emine Aslan schließt derzeit ihre Masterthesis zu „Silencing von muslimischen Frauen in feministischen Diskursen“ ab. Emine engagiert sie sich seit über sieben Jahren in anti-rassistischen und aktivistischen Kontexten und setzt hierbei den Fokus auf Empowerment-Arbeit und intersektionale Lebensrealitäten. Emine hat in den letzten Jahren mehrere Kampagnen zu den Überschneidungen von Rassismen und Sexismen mitinitiiert sowie zahlreiche Workshops und Vorträge zu diesen Themen gehalten. Für die Online-Kampagne #ausnahmslos wurde Emine mit dem Clara Zetkin Preis für politische Intervention ausgezeichnet. In Online- sowie Printmedien veröffentlichte Emine zahlreiche Artikel zu unterschiedlichen Diskriminierungsformen. In wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen beschäftigte Emine sich bisher insbesondere mit Wissensproduktionen aus soziologischer und postkolonialer Perspektive. Aktuell lebt und Emine in Frankfurt am Main und ist dort als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in tätig.


Danna Bader: MA interkulturell Konflikt Management, „Gender Relations in Conflict Zones, Experiences of Israeli and Palestinian Women“. Danna Bader ist eine systemische Beraterin, und arbeitet als Supervisorin, Organisationsentwicklerin und Coach. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Diversität bewusste Arbeit, Anti Diskriminierung, Anti rassistische Arbeit und Konfliktbearbeitung.  Danna hat langjährige Berufserfahrung im Kontext zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen und in der politischen Bildung, unteranderen auch in Führungspositionen, Projektmanagement, Entwicklung und Durchführung von Bildungskonzepten, qualitative Forschung, Leitung internationaler Konferenzen, Projektfinanzierung, und Projektplanung. Sie hat mehrere pädagogische Materialen konzipiert, entwickelt und mit vielfältigen Zielgruppen durchgeführt.


Thu Hoài Tran: Sozialwissenschaftler*in, Theaterschaffende*r & Bildungsvermittler*in, forscht und arbeitet zu Themen der Migration, Empowerment und Intersektionalität. Tran ist Vorstandsmitglied von TakeOver. – ein Verein zur intersektionalen Kampagnenarbeit. Darüber hinaus ist Tran Teil des bildungsLab, einen Zusammenschluss von migrantischen Frauen und Frauen of Color, die Theorie vermitteln, produzieren und in die hegemonial pädagogischen und künstlerischen Konzepte intervenieren. Tran schreibt und publiziert Beiträge u.a. über die Notwendigkeit einer Dekolonialisierung des Stadttheaters. In der aktuellen Spielzeit wird Thu Hoài Tran gemeinsam mit Elisabeth Kuzel eine Hausproduktion mit dem Titel WomxnofColor am Berliner Ringtheater realisieren. Das intersektionale Performance Projekt unternimmt den Versuch, Widerstands- und Solidaritätspraxen in der rassistisch sexistischen Gesellschaft performativ zu erproben.




Credits: Chanel Kah Yin Liang @chakahlia

Ed Greve ist politischer Referent im Migrationsrat Berlin mit Schwerpunkt Antidiskriminierung, Netzwerk- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Er ist außerdem als Bildungsreferent und Trainer im Projekt i-PÄD – Intersektionale Pädagogik tätig. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind u.a. LSBTIQ-Rechte, Barrierefreiheit, machtkritische Bildung.

Credits: Stephanie Ballantine



Tayo Awosusi-Onutor ist Sängerin, Autorin, Regisseurin, Politische Aktivistin, Mutter und lebt in Berlin. Sie bezeichnet sich selbst als Afro-Sintezza. Ihre Musik interpretiert sie in Englisch, Deutsch und Romanes. Außerdem leiht sie ihre Stimme Film und TV als Synchronsängerin und -sprecherin.
Tayo studierte Germanistik und Multimedia. Sie ist Vorstandsmitglied von RomaniPhen e.V. und Mitglied der IniRromnja. Sie beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Bildung, Geschichte und Bürgerrechtsbewegung. 2017 veröffentlichte sie die Dokumentation „Phral mende – Wir über uns.
Perspektiven von Sinti und Roma in Deutschland.“ Tayo engagiert sich darüber hinaus politisch in verschiedenen Communities of Colour. Weitere Informationen finden sich unter und


Credits: Alexander Vorbrugg



Vanessa E. Thompson ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Vergleichenden Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Ihre Forschungs- und
Lehrschwerpunkte sind kritische Rassismus- und Migrationsforschung, Black Studies, intersektionale Ungleichheits- und Geschlechterforschung, postkolonial/dekolonial-feministische Theorien und Methodologien, Abolitionismus und transformative Gerechtigkeit. Sie engagiert sich in rassismuskritischen, abolitionistischen und intersektionalen Bewegungen und ist u.a. Mitglied in der Internationalen Unabhängigen Kommission zur Aufklärung der Wahrheit über den Tod von Oury Jalloh.

Das Migrantenstadl

Tunay Önder verschuldete sich erfolgreich mit ihrem Studium der Soziologie, Politik und Ethnologie und ist seither als Arbeitsmigrantin zwischen verschiedenen Parallelgesellschaften wie Wissenschaft, Pädagogik und Theater tätig. Ihr Hauptinteresse gilt der herrschaftsfreien Migrationsgesellschaft und wie man sich ihr redend, schreibend und handelnd nähern kann. Auf der letzten Wiesbaden Biennale 2018 kuratierte und veranstaltete sie den Migrantenstadl als 10-tägiges Happening.


Imad Mustafa verschuldete sich nicht ganz so hoch. Mag Hip Hop und Umm Kulthoum, ebenso wie Politologie und Soziologie. Arbeitete u.a. als freier Autor und Redakteur für verschiedene Medien. Zur Zeit Lehrbeauftragter und Forscher an der Universität Erfurt. Forschungs- und Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Protestforschung, Rechtspopulismus und Rassismus, Politischer Islam, Islam in Deutschland und deutschen Medien.

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