Radical Solidarity

Radical Solidarity
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Radical Solidarity
Wir suchen eine Person für ein DGS Werbevideo!

Jewish-Muslim Solidarity – Reflections, Exchange and Decolonial Strategy Development

Friday/Saturday, June 5th/6th and June 12th/13th 2020, 10-6pm

This workshop offers the opportunity to examine and discuss the topic „Jewish-Muslim Relations and Solidarity“ from a decidedly intersectional and decolonial perspective in a safer space.

Image credits: www.bj.org

The workshop consists of two weekends. The first part will concentrate on theoretical and global historical questions in this context and will open with an input by Prof. Dr. Iman Attia (Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin).
The second part will be started with an input by May Zeidani Yufanyi (Berlin Muslim Feminists and Inssan e.V.) and will be moderated by Tuğba Tanyilmaz (Initiative Intersektionale Pädagogik/i.Päd). The focus here will lie on the exchange and further development of structures and strategies of solidarity between Jewish and Muslim communities (and beyond). Emphasis will also be put on possible common strategies of counter-hegemonic narrations in this context. The workshop will be followed by a public discussion in autumn 2020, where amongst others the results of the workshop will be presented. More details in this regard will follow soon.

The workshop will take place in German spoken language and both on site and online.

A very limited number of participants will be admitted. For information regarding participation and registration please send an email to: rajanayagam@xartsplitta.net until June 1st 2020.

Iman Attia is Professor of Critical Diversity Studies with a focus on Critical Race Theory at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin. Since the early 1990s, she has been working on (anti-Muslim) racism from a global historical, post- and decolonial, post-/Nazi, relational and intersectional perspective. She is the author of the externally funded research project „Passport Control! Life without Papers in History and Present“ (IFAF) and is currently leading the research project „Threat Scenarios of ‚Islamist Terrorism‘ from the Perspective of Muslim Communities“ (BMBF) and „Experiences of Racism of Rom*nja and Sinti*zze“ (UKAZ).

Tuğba Tanyilmaz is currently the managing director of Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. She defines herself as a Queer, Muslim of Colour. She is the co-founder and project manager of the intersectional education initiative (i-Päd). Her focus is intersectionality, power-critical education, racism-critical education and upbringing, LSBTIQ discrimination, empowerment, crisis intervention and conflict management. As a freelance education consultant and mediator, she offers (edutainment) lectures, workshops, process support, organisational development and courses.

May Zeidani Yufanyi is a social scientist; in her work at Inssan e.V. as project manager of Nicht ohne meinen Glauben (Not Without My Faith – project completion 2019) and currently coordinator of the Network against Discrimination and Islamophobia, she deals with civil society networks against discrimination and with postcolonial migration societies in Europe, asylum and migration policy as well as identity-finding processes in the context of the German migration society. As a Women of Colour and migrant with Muslim and Jewish roots in Palestine and Europe, intersectional approaches play a central role in her work. She is co-host of the radio show „Talking Feminisms“ on Reboot.fm and writes poems for her own fitness. She is also an activist of the „Caravan for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees“ since 2005 and a member of „The VOICE Refugee Forum“ since 2007.

Talking Feminisms #15 Kopftuch & Körperbedeckung (12. 8. 2017):

A poem by May Zeidani Yufanyi was published in the book HAYMATLOS in Oktober 2018:
„We Sit on Floors“ www.edition-assemblage.de/buecher/haymatlos/

In cooperation with the Berlin Muslim Feminists und Inssan e.V.


This event is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

Radical Solidarity
Wir suchen eine Person für ein DGS Werbevideo!

Jewish-Muslim Solidarity – Reflections, Exchange and Decolonial Strategy Development

Friday/Saturday, June 5th/6th and June 12th/13th 2020, 10-6pm

This workshop offers the opportunity to examine and discuss the topic „Jewish-Muslim Relations and Solidarity“ from a decidedly intersectional and decolonial perspective in a safer space.

Image credits: www.bj.org

The workshop consists of two weekends. The first part will concentrate on theoretical and global historical questions in this context and will open with an input by Prof. Dr. Iman Attia (Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin).
The second part will be started with an input by May Zeidani Yufanyi (Berlin Muslim Feminists and Inssan e.V.) and will be moderated by Tuğba Tanyilmaz (Initiative Intersektionale Pädagogik/i.Päd). The focus here will lie on the exchange and further development of structures and strategies of solidarity between Jewish and Muslim communities (and beyond). Emphasis will also be put on possible common strategies of counter-hegemonic narrations in this context. The workshop will be followed by a public discussion in autumn 2020, where amongst others the results of the workshop will be presented. More details in this regard will follow soon.

The workshop will take place in German spoken language and both on site and online.

A very limited number of participants will be admitted. For information regarding participation and registration please send an email to: rajanayagam@xartsplitta.net until June 1st 2020.

Iman Attia is Professor of Critical Diversity Studies with a focus on Critical Race Theory at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin. Since the early 1990s, she has been working on (anti-Muslim) racism from a global historical, post- and decolonial, post-/Nazi, relational and intersectional perspective. She is the author of the externally funded research project „Passport Control! Life without Papers in History and Present“ (IFAF) and is currently leading the research project „Threat Scenarios of ‚Islamist Terrorism‘ from the Perspective of Muslim Communities“ (BMBF) and „Experiences of Racism of Rom*nja and Sinti*zze“ (UKAZ).

Tuğba Tanyilmaz is currently the managing director of Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. She defines herself as a Queer, Muslim of Colour. She is the co-founder and project manager of the intersectional education initiative (i-Päd). Her focus is intersectionality, power-critical education, racism-critical education and upbringing, LSBTIQ discrimination, empowerment, crisis intervention and conflict management. As a freelance education consultant and mediator, she offers (edutainment) lectures, workshops, process support, organisational development and courses.

May Zeidani Yufanyi is a social scientist; in her work at Inssan e.V. as project manager of Nicht ohne meinen Glauben (Not Without My Faith – project completion 2019) and currently coordinator of the Network against Discrimination and Islamophobia, she deals with civil society networks against discrimination and with postcolonial migration societies in Europe, asylum and migration policy as well as identity-finding processes in the context of the German migration society. As a Women of Colour and migrant with Muslim and Jewish roots in Palestine and Europe, intersectional approaches play a central role in her work. She is co-host of the radio show „Talking Feminisms“ on Reboot.fm and writes poems for her own fitness. She is also an activist of the „Caravan for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees“ since 2005 and a member of „The VOICE Refugee Forum“ since 2007.

Talking Feminisms #15 Kopftuch & Körperbedeckung (12. 8. 2017):

A poem by May Zeidani Yufanyi was published in the book HAYMATLOS in Oktober 2018:
„We Sit on Floors“ www.edition-assemblage.de/buecher/haymatlos/

In cooperation with the Berlin Muslim Feminists und Inssan e.V.


This event is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

Radical Solidarity
Wir suchen eine Person für ein DGS Werbevideo!

Jewish-Muslim Solidarity – Reflections, Exchange and Decolonial Strategy Development

Friday/Saturday, June 5th/6th and June 12th/13th 2020, 10-6pm

This workshop offers the opportunity to examine and discuss the topic „Jewish-Muslim Relations and Solidarity“ from a decidedly intersectional and decolonial perspective in a safer space.

Image credits: www.bj.org

The workshop consists of two weekends. The first part will concentrate on theoretical and global historical questions in this context and will open with an input by Prof. Dr. Iman Attia (Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin).
The second part will be started with an input by May Zeidani Yufanyi (Berlin Muslim Feminists and Inssan e.V.) and will be moderated by Tuğba Tanyilmaz (Initiative Intersektionale Pädagogik/i.Päd). The focus here will lie on the exchange and further development of structures and strategies of solidarity between Jewish and Muslim communities (and beyond). Emphasis will also be put on possible common strategies of counter-hegemonic narrations in this context. The workshop will be followed by a public discussion in autumn 2020, where amongst others the results of the workshop will be presented. More details in this regard will follow soon.

The workshop will take place in German spoken language and both on site and online.

A very limited number of participants will be admitted. For information regarding participation and registration please send an email to: rajanayagam@xartsplitta.net until June 1st 2020.

Iman Attia is Professor of Critical Diversity Studies with a focus on Critical Race Theory at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Science Berlin. Since the early 1990s, she has been working on (anti-Muslim) racism from a global historical, post- and decolonial, post-/Nazi, relational and intersectional perspective. She is the author of the externally funded research project „Passport Control! Life without Papers in History and Present“ (IFAF) and is currently leading the research project „Threat Scenarios of ‚Islamist Terrorism‘ from the Perspective of Muslim Communities“ (BMBF) and „Experiences of Racism of Rom*nja and Sinti*zze“ (UKAZ).

Tuğba Tanyilmaz is currently the managing director of Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. She defines herself as a Queer, Muslim of Colour. She is the co-founder and project manager of the intersectional education initiative (i-Päd). Her focus is intersectionality, power-critical education, racism-critical education and upbringing, LSBTIQ discrimination, empowerment, crisis intervention and conflict management. As a freelance education consultant and mediator, she offers (edutainment) lectures, workshops, process support, organisational development and courses.

May Zeidani Yufanyi is a social scientist; in her work at Inssan e.V. as project manager of Nicht ohne meinen Glauben (Not Without My Faith – project completion 2019) and currently coordinator of the Network against Discrimination and Islamophobia, she deals with civil society networks against discrimination and with postcolonial migration societies in Europe, asylum and migration policy as well as identity-finding processes in the context of the German migration society. As a Women of Colour and migrant with Muslim and Jewish roots in Palestine and Europe, intersectional approaches play a central role in her work. She is co-host of the radio show „Talking Feminisms“ on Reboot.fm and writes poems for her own fitness. She is also an activist of the „Caravan for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees“ since 2005 and a member of „The VOICE Refugee Forum“ since 2007.

Talking Feminisms #15 Kopftuch & Körperbedeckung (12. 8. 2017):

A poem by May Zeidani Yufanyi was published in the book HAYMATLOS in Oktober 2018:
„We Sit on Floors“ www.edition-assemblage.de/buecher/haymatlos/

In cooperation with the Berlin Muslim Feminists und Inssan e.V.


This event is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

Neues von xart splitta….
Radical Solidarity

Zur Dokumentation: The Living Archives

Jüdisch-Muslimische Solidarität – Überlegungen, Austausch und dekoloniale Strategieentwicklungen


Freitag/Samstag 05./06. Juni 2020, 10-18h und
Freitag/Samstag 12./13. Juni 2020, 10-18h


Mit diesem Workshop soll die Möglichkeit geboten werden, in einem geschützten Raum aus einer dezidiert intersektionalen und dekolonialen Perspektive das Thema „jüdisch-muslimische Beziehungen und Solidaritäten“ zu beleuchten und dazu ins Gespräch zu kommen.


Bild credits: www.bj.org

Der Workshop findet an zwei Wochenenden statt. Der erste Teil wird sich theoretischen und globalhistorischen Fragen widmen und wird mit einem Input von Prof. Dr. Iman Attia (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin) eingeleitet.
Der zweite Teil wird mit einem Input von May Zeidani Yufanyi (Berlin Muslim Feminists und Inssan e.V.) eröffnet und von Tuğba Tanyilmaz (Initiative intersektionale Pädagogik/i.Päd) moderiert. Hier wird es insbesondere um den Austausch zu und die Weiterentwicklung von solidarischen Strukturen und Strategien zwischen jüdischen und muslimischen Communities (und darüber hinaus) gehen. Zentral wird dabei auch der Fokus auf mögliche gemeinsame Strategien des gegenhegemonialen Erzählens sein.

Im Herbst 2020 wird es dazu eine  öffentliche Diskussionsveranstaltung geben, in der u.a. die Ergebnisse des Workshops präsentiert werden. Näheres dazu folgt demnächst.

Der  Workshop wird in deutscher Lautsprache,  sowohl vor Ort als auch Online stattfinden.

Es ist eine sehr begrenzte Teilnehmendenzahl zugelassen. Für Informationen bzgl. der Teilnahme und Anmeldungen bitte bis zum 01.06.2020 eine Email an: rajanayagam@xartsplitta.net

Iman Attia ist Professorin für Critical Diversity Studies mit dem Schwerpunkt Rassismus/-kritik an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin und arbeitet seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre zu (antimuslimischem) Rassismus aus globalhistorischer, post- und dekolonialer, post-/nazistischer sowie relationaler und intersektionaler Perspektive. Sie hat das Drittmittel-Forschungsprojekte „Passkontrolle! Leben ohne Papiere in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ (IFAF) geleitet und leitet derzeit die Forschungsprojekte „Bedrohungsszenario des ‚islamistischen Terrorismus‘ aus der Perspektive muslimischer Communities“ (BMBF) und „Rassismuserfahrungen von Rom*nja und Sinti*zze“ (UKAZ).

Tuğba Tanyilmaz ist aktuell die Geschäftsführerin vom Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. . Sie definiert sich selbst als queere Muslimin of Color. Sie ist die Mitbegründerin und die Projektleitung der Initiative intersektionale Pädagogik (i-Päd). Ihre Schwerpunkte sind Intersektionalität, machtkritische Erziehung, rassimuskritische Bildung und Erziehung, LSBTIQ Diskriminierung, Empowerment, Krisenintervention und Konfliktmanagement. Als selbständige Bildungsreferentin und Mediatorin bietet sie (Edutainment-) Vorträge, Workshops, Prozessbegleitungen, Organisationsentwicklung und Lehrveranstaltungen an.

May Zeidani Yufanyi ist Sozialwissenschaftlerin; in ihrer Arbeit bei Inssan e.V. als Projektleiterin von Nicht ohne meinen Glauben (Projektende 2019) und derzeit als Koordinatorin des Netzwerks gegen Diskriminierung und Islamfeindlichkeit beschäftigt sie sich u.a mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Netzwerke gegen Diskriminierung und mit postkolonialen Migrationsgesellschaften in Europa, Asyl- und Migrationspolitik sowie Identitätsfindungsprozessen im Kontext von der deutsche Migrationsgesellschaft. Als Women of Colour und Migrantin mit muslimischen und jüdischen Wurzeln in Palästina und Europa spielen intersektionale Ansätze eine zentrale Rolle in ihrer Arbeit. Sie ist Co-Moderatorin der Radiosendung „Talking Feminisms“ bei Reboot.fm und für ihre eigene Fitness schreibt sie Gedichte. Sie ist außerdem seit 2005 Aktivistin der „Karawane für die Rechte der MigrantInnen und Flüchtlinge“ und seit 2007 Mitglied von „The VOICE Refugee Forum“.

Talking Feminisms #15 Kopftuch & Körperbedeckung (12. 8. 2017):

Ein Gedicht von May Zeidani Yufanyi wurde im Oktober 2018 im Gedichtband HAYMATLOS veröffentlicht:
„We Sit on Floors“ www.edition-assemblage.de/buecher/haymatlos/

In Kooperation mit den Berlin Muslim Feminists und Inssan e.V.


Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt und wird gefördert durch die LADS.

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