Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities

Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities
OFFENER BRIEF: Atlanta – War da was?
Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities
OFFENER BRIEF: Atlanta – War da was?

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021, 7.30pm

**The screening will take place online!**

Afrofilm #6

Welcome to the sixth screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

This time our diasporic mix is poetic. We focus on artistic expression beyond live action film and for this, we will show you a music video, a dance film, a 2D animation and visual poetry coming from artists from Brasil, Canada, France and Germany.
After the screening of „Mar de Elas„, „Dein Brief„, „Black Soul“ and „Black is me„, we will have a discussion round with two of the film makers centering the topic of artistic expression as a political tool and a Q&A.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:
Afrofilm Screening is a safe space for Black people, please write a few words about yourself when you register – Thank you!

Logo Afrofilm

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities
OFFENER BRIEF: Atlanta – War da was?

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021, 7.30pm

**The screening will take place online!**

Afrofilm #6

Welcome to the sixth screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

This time our diasporic mix is poetic. We focus on artistic expression beyond live action film and for this, we will show you a music video, a dance film, a 2D animation and visual poetry coming from artists from Brasil, Canada, France and Germany.
After the screening of „Mar de Elas„, „Dein Brief„, „Black Soul“ and „Black is me„, we will have a discussion round with two of the film makers centering the topic of artistic expression as a political tool and a Q&A.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:
Afrofilm Screening is a safe space for Black people, please write a few words about yourself when you register – Thank you!

Logo Afrofilm

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities
OFFENER BRIEF: Atlanta – War da was?

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021, 7.30pm

**The screening will take place online!**

Afrofilm #6

Welcome to the sixth screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

This time our diasporic mix is poetic. We focus on artistic expression beyond live action film and for this, we will show you a music video, a dance film, a 2D animation and visual poetry coming from artists from Brasil, Canada, France and Germany.
After the screening of „Mar de Elas„, „Dein Brief„, „Black Soul“ and „Black is me„, we will have a discussion round with two of the film makers centering the topic of artistic expression as a political tool and a Q&A.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:
Afrofilm Screening is a safe space for Black people, please write a few words about yourself when you register – Thank you!

Logo Afrofilm

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Flyer Umkämpfte Erinnerungen
Umkämpfte Erinnerungen
Afrofilm Screening #6 I Diasporic Realities

Donnerstag, 22. April 2021, 19.30h

**Das Screening wird online stattfinden!**

Afrofilm #6

Willkommen zur sechsten Vorführung von Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm ist eine selbstorganisierte monatliche Vorführung von Filmen, die das Leben und die Erfahrungen von afrikanischen und afro-descendent Menschen aus verschiedenen geographischen Regionen erzählen. Wir werden Filme für uns selbst zeigen, was bedeutet, dass die Vorführung für ein geschlossenes Publikum für afro und afro-descendent Menschen ist.
Es gibt viel zu wissen und von uns allen zu lernen, und wir denken, dass Filme ein relevanter und effizienter Weg sind, dies zu ermöglichen.

Diesmal ist unser diasporischer Mix poetisch. Wir konzentrieren uns auf den künstlerischen Ausdruck jenseits des Live-Action-Films und zeigen Euch dazu ein Musikvideo, einen Tanzfilm, eine 2D-Animation und visuelle Poesie von Künstler:innen aus Brasilien, Kanada, Frankreich und Deutschland.
Nach der Vorführung von „Mar de Elas“, „Dein Brief„, „Black Soul“ und „Black is me“ gibt es eine Diskussionsrunde mit zwei der Filmemacher:innen zum Thema künstlerischer Ausdruck als politisches Werkzeug sowie ein Q&A.

Das Screening wird online stattfinden.
Bitte meldet euch an unter Afrofilm Screening ist ein Safer Space für Schwarze Menschen, bitte schreibt bei der Anmeldung ein paar Worte über euch  – Vielen Dank!

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Mehr Informationen über Afrofilm screenings sind auf Instagram zu finden:

Diese Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit dem Projekt #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.

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