call for participation: spoken word, short films, performances, dance, music … for a performance project

call for participation: spoken word, kurzfilme, performances, tanz, musikstücke, … für einen performanceabend
call for participation: spoken word, kurzfilme, performances, tanz, musikstücke, … für einen performanceabend

(please forward to your friends if you like!)


trans_x_ing space: on de_constructions of binary_genderings

what happens when binary constructions of gender are de_constructed and dismissed?

what happens if i question_agitate_challenge either-ors in regard to binary gender regimes?

how are racism_migratism_ableism_ classism considered in the deconstruction of binary genderings and how does a critique of ableism_racism_migratism_classism deconstruct binary genderings?


so, how can you take up            _space_

with your      doubts – ideas – risks – presence – happiness – fears – anger – expression


how can you create                    find – seek – at_tempt – ex_press – perceive

pictures, spaces, possibilities of acting and thinking, movements_movings, voices, music, melodies, rhymes and frictions

do these questions call out to you? do you feel touched by them?

do you have artistic, empowering, careful, brave, transfeminist, noisy, expressive, easy, sad, fragile, angry, electrifying, … pieces_ideas for a performance event with trans_x_ing perspectives, words and wordings, readings, expressions, movements and movings, visualizations, receptions, spaces and presences?

already staged performances and acts are very welcome, as well as brand new ideas and suggestions – from people with more, less or no experience on stage.

we, as part of xart splitta, will be happy to support_give feedback_counsel your process of creating. we might even provide a workshop on doing stage performances for those interested.

there will be two meetings where you can share your ideas and pieces with us: by 31st of may we’d like to receive your initial ideas and then there’s time until 30th of june to change_revise_put texts to the side and re_engage_re_inspire etc. if your piece is somehow already completed, then you could also just send it in before 30th of june.

all performances_acts will be perceivable through different forms of communication and will be interpreted in sign language and in spoken languages. since that will require advance preparation, we will start the translation process at the end of may. we will organize that together with you and will be happy to hear your ideas concerning your piece.

we are really looking forward to your suggestions_ideas_concepts about performances_readings_plays for this event on the topic of trans_x_ing space: deconstructing racism_classism_migratism_ableism in critically reflecting binary genderings and_or: deconstructing binary genderings in reflecting ableism_classism_racism_migratism. all your questions are very welcome. after the performances, there will be a party, something which we consider to be an important part of celebrating and empowering trans_x_ing space.


the performance event is part of a longer term project with the title:

trans_x_ing space

for us, trans_x_ing space is an empowering appropriation of space, language, communication and feminism. trans_x_ing space is being noisy, is sharing, is gathering together, being courageous, is trying to be present. trans_x_ing space is the empowering struggle with genderism_racism_ableism_migratism_classism; it is de_normalizing ableistic_racist_migratist_classist norms, binary gender concepts, cisgendered ideas; trans_x_ing space is being open for differences and being in search of one’s own ways of expression.

the group xart splitta is organizing this performance event to create a framing_space for trans_x_empowering artistic_activist interdependent transfeminist strategies. xart splitta is planning on accomplishing that through workshops, exhibitions, networkings, photography_art_film_projects, parties and performances.

we, as members of xart splitta, are politically positioned as trans_x_ed. this call-out is written from a privileged localization regarding racism, migratism, ableism. we are critically reflecting upon this localization and trying to consistently transform our privileges into responsible actions. the performance event’s selection process will be conducted by a group of people with transxed positionings and partly discriminated localizations regarding racism, migratism, ableism, classism.

this performance event will take place in berlin in november 2013 – location to be announced (barrier-free/accessible). that same night, we will also celebrate the release of “turning pages”, a print project with empowering trans_xing pictures and texts. you are warmly invited to also contribute to this project. please find the corresponding call-out for this project here.

please send us your ideas_participations_desires – prepared performances or something not yet steady_ready, things never presented, yet-unwritten or tried and true. send us pieces, performances, plays that absolutely certainly or only maymaybe want to be performed again. we’ll get in touch with you to talk about about formats, implementations and organizational stuff.

we are really looking forward to your questions, ideas, performances!


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