Too Haram/Too Halal – Discussion Round on Queer Islam

Dissolving Territories – 2+ Ästhetiken
My Fluid Body (On An Uneven Political Ground)
Dissolving Territories – 2+ Ästhetiken
My Fluid Body (On An Uneven Political Ground)

Thursday, April 19th, 6pm

Discussion on Queer Islam with Saad Malik and Zuher Jazmati

Together with “Nicht ohne meinen Glauben” (Not without my faith) from the association Inssan e.V. we are hosting a discussion round on the topic Queer Islam/ Queer Muslim realities.

The event is addressed to people who identify as queer LGBT*IQ and are muslims or their allies.
The discussions will take place in German and English.

Saad Malik is a cultural anthropologist and urban geographer. He has worked in areas such as development cooperation and public health. He now focuses on a postcolonial perspective on his home country Germany. After working in local integration work for people with current flight experiences in Berlin, he now focuses on intersectional and decolonizing awareness and empowerment work.

Zuher Jazmati was born in 1989 and raised in Riyadh and Berlin. He recently completed his studies in Oriental Studies with a focus on Political Science in Marburg, Cairo, and International History at the LSE in London.

An event by „Nicht ohne meinen Glauben“ in cooperation with xart splitta.

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