Racial Capitalism – Theory, Politics, Practice. A Talk by Ceren Türkmen

Language(s) of Resistance
Dinner and Talk with Reni Eddo-Lodge
Language(s) of Resistance
Dinner and Talk with Reni Eddo-Lodge

++++ NEW DATE ++++

Wednesday, 20th of February 2019, 7pm

Location of event:  Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße (Urbanstraße 21, 10961 Berlin, Saal).

This event will be held in German spoken language. Simultaneous interpretation into spoken English will be provided.

Large Body of Water, 1983, Jean-Michel Basquiat
Guardian Artikel über J-M Basquiat

Discussions about the connection between capitalism and racism are experiencing a new boom since the recent increase in right-wing populist tendencies in the UK and the USA. The discussion itself is not new. Intensive discussions were already taking place in the 1970s and 1980s under the terms „Racial Capitalism“. Debates about a „Black Marxism“ were only marginally received in Europe, and the production and circulation of knowledge partially failed because of Eurocentrism. In this lecture Cedric Robinson’s analysis will be introduced in order to work out perspectives for a leftist debate in Germany.


Ceren Türkmen is a sociologist and lecturer at the Justus-Liebig-Universität-Gießen and the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin. She works on the political history & present of (labor) migration, racism, neo-Marxism & postcolonial criticism and urban sociology. Since the mid-1990s, she has been active in MSOs (Migrant*innenselbstorganisationen) and in the NSB. She is a member of the political sound art collective Ultra-red and the initiative „DU 1984“.

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