Rest Space – Rest is Resistance

Community talk: ‚The Love And Labour of Community Organising‘
Stellenausschreibung Projektmitarbeit bei xart splitta e.V.
Community talk: ‚The Love And Labour of Community Organising‘
Stellenausschreibung Projektmitarbeit bei xart splitta e.V.
The picture shows a slumbering fox. Above it is the title "Rest Space", below it the subtitle "Rest is Resistance! - The Nap Ministry"

Monday, July 31st 2023, from 4 pm

Meeting point at xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin)

This year #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking Communities in Solidarity) is about ‚labour‘. We think this is best to be continued with more rest, because rest is resistance (The Nap Ministry).

Where? We meet at xart splitta at 4pm. Let’s hope it won’t rain so we can rest together at Hasenheide.

Why? To chill together! There is no program, no instructions, nothing. Come join us – bring blankets and plush socks, sleeping bag and travel pillow and let’s get resty together.

The goal: To rest together for at least one hour!

The Rest Space is an invitation to BIPoCs.

Feel free to contact us at with any questions.

This series of events is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken funded by LADS.

Community talk: ‚The Love And Labour of Community Organising‘
Stellenausschreibung Projektmitarbeit bei xart splitta e.V.
The picture shows a slumbering fox. Above it is the title "Rest Space", below it the subtitle "Rest is Resistance! - The Nap Ministry"

Monday, July 31st 2023, from 4 pm

Meeting point at xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin)

This year #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking Communities in Solidarity) is about ‚labour‘. We think this is best to be continued with more rest, because rest is resistance (The Nap Ministry).

Where? We meet at xart splitta at 4pm. Let’s hope it won’t rain so we can rest together at Hasenheide.

Why? To chill together! There is no program, no instructions, nothing. Come join us – bring blankets and plush socks, sleeping bag and travel pillow and let’s get resty together.

The goal: To rest together for at least one hour!

The Rest Space is an invitation to BIPoCs.

Feel free to contact us at with any questions.

This series of events is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken funded by LADS.

Community talk: ‚The Love And Labour of Community Organising‘
Stellenausschreibung Projektmitarbeit bei xart splitta e.V.
The picture shows a slumbering fox. Above it is the title "Rest Space", below it the subtitle "Rest is Resistance! - The Nap Ministry"

Monday, July 31st 2023, from 4 pm

Meeting point at xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin)

This year #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking Communities in Solidarity) is about ‚labour‘. We think this is best to be continued with more rest, because rest is resistance (The Nap Ministry).

Where? We meet at xart splitta at 4pm. Let’s hope it won’t rain so we can rest together at Hasenheide.

Why? To chill together! There is no program, no instructions, nothing. Come join us – bring blankets and plush socks, sleeping bag and travel pillow and let’s get resty together.

The goal: To rest together for at least one hour!

The Rest Space is an invitation to BIPoCs.

Feel free to contact us at with any questions.

This series of events is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken funded by LADS.

Bild auf blauen Hintergrund liest 'Black Community Talk: The Love and Labour of community organising'
Community talk: ‚The Love And Labour of Community Organising‘
Buntes quadratisches Bild auf dem Schnipseljagd für QTI*BIPOCS, Alle BPOCs und alle Queers steht
Auf die Plätze, fertig, Schnipseljagd!

Montag, 31. Juli 2023, 16 Uhr

Treffpunkt bei xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin)

Auf dem Bild ist ein schlummernder Fuchs abgebildet. Darüber steht der Titel "Rest Space", darunter der Untertitel "Rest is Resistance! - The Nap Ministry"

Dieses Jahr geht es bei #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken um „Arbeit“. Wir finden, dies sollte unbedingt mit einem Rest Space fortgesetzt werden, weil Rest is Resistance (The Nap Ministry).

Wo? Wir treffen uns um 16 Uhr bei xart splitta, lass hoffen, dass es nicht regnet sodass wir gemeinsam in die Hasenheide können.

Wozu? Um gemeinsam zu chillen! Es gibt kein Programm, keine Anleitung, kein nix. Kommt dazu – bringt Decken und Plüschsocken, Schlafsack und Reisekissen und lasst es uns gemeinsam gemütlich machen.

Das Ziel: Eine Stunde zusammen zu ruhen!

Der Rest Space ist ein Safer Space für BIPoCs.

Kontaktiert uns bei Fragen gerne unter

Diese Veranstaltungsreihe findet im Rahmen des, von der LADS geförderten Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.

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