Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities

Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities
Afrofilm Screening #5 I Diasporic Realities: Afro-Childhood
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities
Afrofilm Screening #5 I Diasporic Realities: Afro-Childhood

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

**The screening will take place online!**

Welcome to the second screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

*In Wolof and French without subtitles*

Join us for the screening of La petite Vendeuse de Soleil  by Djibril Diop Mambéty to then end the evening with a discussion round to share and create knowledge about Black realities we weren’t yet familiar with and to connect with each other.

La petite Vendeuse de Soleil:
A disabled Senegalese girl, Sili, decides to do a boys job and starts selling newspapers on the streets of Dakar. Sili does a great job but the boys are not happy, the story tells her battle about daring to imagine what she can be and not caring about what anyone else thinks.

Djibril Diop Mambéty was a Senegalese film director, actor, orator, composer and poet. Born to a Muslim family near Dakar, Senegal’s capital city, Mambéty was Wolof.  Though he made only two feature films and five short films, they received international acclaim for their original and experimental cinematic technique and non-linear, unconventional narrative style.

The screening will take place in Wolof and French spoken languages and will be without subtitles.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities
Afrofilm Screening #5 I Diasporic Realities: Afro-Childhood

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

**The screening will take place online!**

Welcome to the second screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

*In Wolof and French without subtitles*

Join us for the screening of La petite Vendeuse de Soleil  by Djibril Diop Mambéty to then end the evening with a discussion round to share and create knowledge about Black realities we weren’t yet familiar with and to connect with each other.

La petite Vendeuse de Soleil:
A disabled Senegalese girl, Sili, decides to do a boys job and starts selling newspapers on the streets of Dakar. Sili does a great job but the boys are not happy, the story tells her battle about daring to imagine what she can be and not caring about what anyone else thinks.

Djibril Diop Mambéty was a Senegalese film director, actor, orator, composer and poet. Born to a Muslim family near Dakar, Senegal’s capital city, Mambéty was Wolof.  Though he made only two feature films and five short films, they received international acclaim for their original and experimental cinematic technique and non-linear, unconventional narrative style.

The screening will take place in Wolof and French spoken languages and will be without subtitles.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities
Afrofilm Screening #5 I Diasporic Realities: Afro-Childhood

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

**The screening will take place online!**

Welcome to the second screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly screening of films telling the lives and experiences of african and afro-descendant people from various geographical locations.
We will be showing films for us by us, which means that the screening is for a closed audience of African and Afro-descendent people.

There is a lot to know and learn from all of us and we think that films are a relevant and efficient way of making this possible.

*In Wolof and French without subtitles*

Join us for the screening of La petite Vendeuse de Soleil  by Djibril Diop Mambéty to then end the evening with a discussion round to share and create knowledge about Black realities we weren’t yet familiar with and to connect with each other.

La petite Vendeuse de Soleil:
A disabled Senegalese girl, Sili, decides to do a boys job and starts selling newspapers on the streets of Dakar. Sili does a great job but the boys are not happy, the story tells her battle about daring to imagine what she can be and not caring about what anyone else thinks.

Djibril Diop Mambéty was a Senegalese film director, actor, orator, composer and poet. Born to a Muslim family near Dakar, Senegal’s capital city, Mambéty was Wolof.  Though he made only two feature films and five short films, they received international acclaim for their original and experimental cinematic technique and non-linear, unconventional narrative style.

The screening will take place in Wolof and French spoken languages and will be without subtitles.

This screening will take place online.
Please register via:

Find more Information about the Afrofilm screenings on Instagram:

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Global and intersectional perspectives in historical-political education
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities

Donnerstag, 12. November 2020

**Das Screening wird online stattfinden!**

Willkommen zur zweiten Vorführung von Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities!

Afrofilm ist eine selbstorganisierte monatliche Vorführung von Filmen, die das Leben und die Erfahrungen von afrikanischen und afro-descendent Menschen aus verschiedenen geographischen Regionen erzählen. Wir werden Filme für uns selbst zeigen, was bedeutet, dass die Vorführung für ein geschlossenes Publikum für afro und afro-descendent Menschen ist.

Es gibt viel zu wissen und von uns allen zu lernen, und wir denken, dass Filme ein relevanter und effizienter Weg sind, dies zu ermöglichen.

*In Wolof und Französisch ohne Untertitel*

Seid dabei bei der Vorführung von La petite Vendeuse de Soleil von Djibril Diop Mambéty und beendet den Abend gemeinsam mit uns in einer Diskussionsrunde, um Wissen über Schwarze (Lebens)Realitäten, mit denen wir noch nicht vertraut sind, zu teilen, um uns auszutauschen und um miteinander in Verbindung zu treten.

La petite Vendeuse de Soleil:
Sili Laam, ein 12-jähriges Mädchen, ist mit seinen zwei Krücken auf dem Weg in die Hauptstadt Dakar, um etwas Geld für den Unterhalt seiner Familie zu verdienen. Ein Junge nimmt sie mit seinem Pferdegespann mit.

Djibril Diop Mambéty war ein senegalesischer Filmregisseur, Schauspieler, Redner, Komponist und Dichter. Mambéty wurde in einer muslimischen Familie in der Nähe von Dakar, der senegalesischen Hauptstadt, geboren und war Wolof. Obwohl er nur zwei Spielfilme und fünf Kurzfilme drehte, erhielten sie internationale Anerkennung für ihre originelle und experimentelle Filmtechnik und ihren nichtlinearen, unkonventionellen Erzählstil.

Der Film ist in Wolof und Französisch und hat leider keine Untertitel.

Das Screening wird online stattfinden.
Bitte meldet euch an unter

Mehr Informationen über Afrofilm screenings sind auf Instagram zu finden:

Diese Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit dem Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.

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