Global and intersectional perspectives in historical-political education

Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities
Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities

Friday, 16 October 2020, 11-18h (Language: spoken German)


  • Panel discussion with Saraya Gomis, Isidora Randjelović, Manuela Bauche and Darja Klingenberg Moderation: Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.


  • Workshop on the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ („Entangled Histories“) with Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.



In this full-day event we would like to deal with memory cultures and the transfer of historical knowledge in the German-speaking context, from a decolonial and cross-community perspective. Intersectional approaches and perspectives in historical-political education will also be addressed in this context.

Our focus will lie on collective memory and historical interweavings between different marginalised and racialised communities. In this context, both continuities and breaks up to the present will be discussed.

The day will be opened by Iman Attia (director „Verwobene Geschichte*n“) and will begin with a panel discussion on the topic:


Shared and Divided Histories
Cross-community and transnational linkages of histor(y)ies


Central issues addressed here will be:


  • How important is the knowledge of (cross-community and transnational) interrelationships of histor(y)ies for the establishment or further development of networks/structures of solidarity between different communities?


  • How can (his)stories of different communities be put into relation with each other without losing sight of the specifics of each community and avoiding watering down these stories and their continuities to this day?


  • How can this knowledge be made fruitful for (shared) resistance movements and which role does it play for decolonial theory and practice today?


  • How can intersectional perspectives be integrated/considered in historical-political education?


This will be followed by a workshop on „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, in which the various levels and approaches will be presented and the above-mentioned questions taken up and discussed in more depth.

The „Verwobene Geschichten*n“ website uses different approaches to recall marginalised and interwoven stories that refer to the presence of Black people and People of Colour in Berlin and Germany. It deals with their everyday life and their resistance, which are and have always been struggles for agency and the right to define.

The event aims to provide a space for people working in (historical)-political education to get to know and apply global historical and intersectional approaches to teaching in their own educational practice. However, people who are not explicitly active in this field are also warmly welcome. During the workshop there will be plenty of room for exchange and existing approaches will be discussed and, if necessary, further developed.

The panel discussion and the workshop will take place online and in spoken German.

Please register for the panel discussion (not incl. the workshop!) by October 14th, 2020 at

Please register for the workshop (incl. panel discussion!) with brief information on your motivation for participating (5-7 lines) by September 21st, 2020 at

Taking part in the panel discussion, is a prerequisite for participation in the workshop.

As we will only be able to admit a limited number of participants to the workshop, all registrations will be collected till September 21st, 2020. You will receive a reply by September 28th, 202o as to whether we were able to admit you.


Manuela Bauche is a historian with a focus on the history of colonialism and of life sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries. She also has several years of experience in historical-political education. Her dissertation, published by Campus-Verlag in 2017, examines the relationships between the fight against malaria, state rule, racism and classism in Cameroon, German East Africa and East Frisia around 1900. Since January 2019, Manuela Bauche has been the director of the project „History of Ihnestr. 22″, which aims at developing a concept for remembering the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics“ at the historical site Ihnestraße 22 – a history which entailed the dehumanization and persecution of among others Sint*ezze and Rom*nja, Jews, Black people, Asian-Germans and disabled people.

Saraya Gomis Educator and learner.

Darja Klingenberg is research fellow at the Chair of Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Kuwi) of the Viadrina University Frankfurt /Oder. Her teaching and research interests include migration sociology, with a focus on Russian-speaking, especially Jewish, migration movements in the 20th century. She deals with feminist theory, intersectional perspectives on social inequality, the sociology of housing, the sociology of humour and methods of qualitative social research. Darja Klingenberg received her doctorate with a dissertation entitled „Living/residing after Migration. Materialism, Aspirations and Melancholy of Russian-speaking Migrant Middle Classes“, which will be published by Campus end of this year.

Isidora Randjelović is a social pedagogue and social worker. She is director of the feminist Romnja* Archiv RomaniPhen. She writes about the interdependence of race and gender as well as movements and self-organisation and is involved in IniRromnja. Isidora Randjelović is lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and board member of RomaniPhen e.V.


Workshop facilitators

Diane Izabiliza is currently studying socio-cultural studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder. She is a graduate of the bachelor’s programme in Social Work at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and is a qualified educator. Her main areas of study include (anti)racism, gender, postcolonial theories and critical migration research. Diane Izabiliza was involved in the development of the site „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, which also features her film „The Wall Fell on Our Head„.

Iris Rajanayagam is a historian, director of xart splitta: and also contributed to the development of the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“.

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities

Friday, 16 October 2020, 11-18h (Language: spoken German)


  • Panel discussion with Saraya Gomis, Isidora Randjelović, Manuela Bauche and Darja Klingenberg Moderation: Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.


  • Workshop on the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ („Entangled Histories“) with Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.



In this full-day event we would like to deal with memory cultures and the transfer of historical knowledge in the German-speaking context, from a decolonial and cross-community perspective. Intersectional approaches and perspectives in historical-political education will also be addressed in this context.

Our focus will lie on collective memory and historical interweavings between different marginalised and racialised communities. In this context, both continuities and breaks up to the present will be discussed.

The day will be opened by Iman Attia (director „Verwobene Geschichte*n“) and will begin with a panel discussion on the topic:


Shared and Divided Histories
Cross-community and transnational linkages of histor(y)ies


Central issues addressed here will be:


  • How important is the knowledge of (cross-community and transnational) interrelationships of histor(y)ies for the establishment or further development of networks/structures of solidarity between different communities?


  • How can (his)stories of different communities be put into relation with each other without losing sight of the specifics of each community and avoiding watering down these stories and their continuities to this day?


  • How can this knowledge be made fruitful for (shared) resistance movements and which role does it play for decolonial theory and practice today?


  • How can intersectional perspectives be integrated/considered in historical-political education?


This will be followed by a workshop on „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, in which the various levels and approaches will be presented and the above-mentioned questions taken up and discussed in more depth.

The „Verwobene Geschichten*n“ website uses different approaches to recall marginalised and interwoven stories that refer to the presence of Black people and People of Colour in Berlin and Germany. It deals with their everyday life and their resistance, which are and have always been struggles for agency and the right to define.

The event aims to provide a space for people working in (historical)-political education to get to know and apply global historical and intersectional approaches to teaching in their own educational practice. However, people who are not explicitly active in this field are also warmly welcome. During the workshop there will be plenty of room for exchange and existing approaches will be discussed and, if necessary, further developed.

The panel discussion and the workshop will take place online and in spoken German.

Please register for the panel discussion (not incl. the workshop!) by October 14th, 2020 at

Please register for the workshop (incl. panel discussion!) with brief information on your motivation for participating (5-7 lines) by September 21st, 2020 at

Taking part in the panel discussion, is a prerequisite for participation in the workshop.

As we will only be able to admit a limited number of participants to the workshop, all registrations will be collected till September 21st, 2020. You will receive a reply by September 28th, 202o as to whether we were able to admit you.


Manuela Bauche is a historian with a focus on the history of colonialism and of life sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries. She also has several years of experience in historical-political education. Her dissertation, published by Campus-Verlag in 2017, examines the relationships between the fight against malaria, state rule, racism and classism in Cameroon, German East Africa and East Frisia around 1900. Since January 2019, Manuela Bauche has been the director of the project „History of Ihnestr. 22″, which aims at developing a concept for remembering the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics“ at the historical site Ihnestraße 22 – a history which entailed the dehumanization and persecution of among others Sint*ezze and Rom*nja, Jews, Black people, Asian-Germans and disabled people.

Saraya Gomis Educator and learner.

Darja Klingenberg is research fellow at the Chair of Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Kuwi) of the Viadrina University Frankfurt /Oder. Her teaching and research interests include migration sociology, with a focus on Russian-speaking, especially Jewish, migration movements in the 20th century. She deals with feminist theory, intersectional perspectives on social inequality, the sociology of housing, the sociology of humour and methods of qualitative social research. Darja Klingenberg received her doctorate with a dissertation entitled „Living/residing after Migration. Materialism, Aspirations and Melancholy of Russian-speaking Migrant Middle Classes“, which will be published by Campus end of this year.

Isidora Randjelović is a social pedagogue and social worker. She is director of the feminist Romnja* Archiv RomaniPhen. She writes about the interdependence of race and gender as well as movements and self-organisation and is involved in IniRromnja. Isidora Randjelović is lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and board member of RomaniPhen e.V.


Workshop facilitators

Diane Izabiliza is currently studying socio-cultural studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder. She is a graduate of the bachelor’s programme in Social Work at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and is a qualified educator. Her main areas of study include (anti)racism, gender, postcolonial theories and critical migration research. Diane Izabiliza was involved in the development of the site „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, which also features her film „The Wall Fell on Our Head„.

Iris Rajanayagam is a historian, director of xart splitta: and also contributed to the development of the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“.

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung
Afrofilm Screening #2 I Diasporic Realities

Friday, 16 October 2020, 11-18h (Language: spoken German)


  • Panel discussion with Saraya Gomis, Isidora Randjelović, Manuela Bauche and Darja Klingenberg Moderation: Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.


  • Workshop on the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ („Entangled Histories“) with Diane Izabiliza and Iris Rajanayagam.



In this full-day event we would like to deal with memory cultures and the transfer of historical knowledge in the German-speaking context, from a decolonial and cross-community perspective. Intersectional approaches and perspectives in historical-political education will also be addressed in this context.

Our focus will lie on collective memory and historical interweavings between different marginalised and racialised communities. In this context, both continuities and breaks up to the present will be discussed.

The day will be opened by Iman Attia (director „Verwobene Geschichte*n“) and will begin with a panel discussion on the topic:


Shared and Divided Histories
Cross-community and transnational linkages of histor(y)ies


Central issues addressed here will be:


  • How important is the knowledge of (cross-community and transnational) interrelationships of histor(y)ies for the establishment or further development of networks/structures of solidarity between different communities?


  • How can (his)stories of different communities be put into relation with each other without losing sight of the specifics of each community and avoiding watering down these stories and their continuities to this day?


  • How can this knowledge be made fruitful for (shared) resistance movements and which role does it play for decolonial theory and practice today?


  • How can intersectional perspectives be integrated/considered in historical-political education?


This will be followed by a workshop on „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, in which the various levels and approaches will be presented and the above-mentioned questions taken up and discussed in more depth.

The „Verwobene Geschichten*n“ website uses different approaches to recall marginalised and interwoven stories that refer to the presence of Black people and People of Colour in Berlin and Germany. It deals with their everyday life and their resistance, which are and have always been struggles for agency and the right to define.

The event aims to provide a space for people working in (historical)-political education to get to know and apply global historical and intersectional approaches to teaching in their own educational practice. However, people who are not explicitly active in this field are also warmly welcome. During the workshop there will be plenty of room for exchange and existing approaches will be discussed and, if necessary, further developed.

The panel discussion and the workshop will take place online and in spoken German.

Please register for the panel discussion (not incl. the workshop!) by October 14th, 2020 at

Please register for the workshop (incl. panel discussion!) with brief information on your motivation for participating (5-7 lines) by September 21st, 2020 at

Taking part in the panel discussion, is a prerequisite for participation in the workshop.

As we will only be able to admit a limited number of participants to the workshop, all registrations will be collected till September 21st, 2020. You will receive a reply by September 28th, 202o as to whether we were able to admit you.


Manuela Bauche is a historian with a focus on the history of colonialism and of life sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries. She also has several years of experience in historical-political education. Her dissertation, published by Campus-Verlag in 2017, examines the relationships between the fight against malaria, state rule, racism and classism in Cameroon, German East Africa and East Frisia around 1900. Since January 2019, Manuela Bauche has been the director of the project „History of Ihnestr. 22″, which aims at developing a concept for remembering the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics“ at the historical site Ihnestraße 22 – a history which entailed the dehumanization and persecution of among others Sint*ezze and Rom*nja, Jews, Black people, Asian-Germans and disabled people.

Saraya Gomis Educator and learner.

Darja Klingenberg is research fellow at the Chair of Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Kuwi) of the Viadrina University Frankfurt /Oder. Her teaching and research interests include migration sociology, with a focus on Russian-speaking, especially Jewish, migration movements in the 20th century. She deals with feminist theory, intersectional perspectives on social inequality, the sociology of housing, the sociology of humour and methods of qualitative social research. Darja Klingenberg received her doctorate with a dissertation entitled „Living/residing after Migration. Materialism, Aspirations and Melancholy of Russian-speaking Migrant Middle Classes“, which will be published by Campus end of this year.

Isidora Randjelović is a social pedagogue and social worker. She is director of the feminist Romnja* Archiv RomaniPhen. She writes about the interdependence of race and gender as well as movements and self-organisation and is involved in IniRromnja. Isidora Randjelović is lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and board member of RomaniPhen e.V.


Workshop facilitators

Diane Izabiliza is currently studying socio-cultural studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder. She is a graduate of the bachelor’s programme in Social Work at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and is a qualified educator. Her main areas of study include (anti)racism, gender, postcolonial theories and critical migration research. Diane Izabiliza was involved in the development of the site „Verwobene Geschichte*n“, which also features her film „The Wall Fell on Our Head„.

Iris Rajanayagam is a historian, director of xart splitta: and also contributed to the development of the website „Verwobene Geschichte*n“.

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

What are Safe(r) Spaces?
Global and intersectional perspectives in historical-political education

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020, 11-18h

  • Panelgespräch mit Saraya Gomis, Isidora Randjelović, Manuela Bauche und Darja Klingenberg. Moderation: Diane Izabiliza und Iris Rajanayagam
  • Workshop zur Webseite „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ mit Diane Izabiliza und Iris Rajanayagam.

In dieser ganztägigen Veranstaltung möchten wir uns mit Erinnerungskulturen und Geschichtstradierungen im deutschsprachigen Kontext, aus einer dekolonialen und cross-community Perspektive beschäftigen. Intersektionale Ansätze und Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung sollen in diesem Kontext ebenfalls thematisiert werden.

Unser Fokus soll dabei auf kollektiven Erinnerung_en von und geschichtlichen Verwobenheiten zwischen verschiedenen marginalisierten und rassialisierten Communities liegen. In diesem Zusammenhang sollen sowohl Kontinuitäten als auch Brüche bis in die Gegenwart diskutiert werden.

Der Tag wird eröffnet von Iman Attia (Leitung „Verwobene Geschichte*n“) und beginnt mit einem Panelgespräch zum Thema:

Shared and Divided Histories

Communityübergreifende und transnationale Verflechtungen von Geschichte*n

Zentrale Fragen, die hier behandelt werden sind:

  • Welche Bedeutung hat das Wissen um (communityübergreifende und transnationale) Verflechtungen von Geschichte*n für den Aufbau bzw. für die Weiterentwicklung von solidarischen Netzwerken/Strukturen zwischen unterschiedlichen Communities?
  • Wie können Geschichten unterschiedlicher Communities miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden, ohne dabei die Spezifika dieser Geschichten und ihre Kontinuitäten bis heute zu verwässern?
  • Wie kann dieses (Erinnerungs-)Wissen für (gemeinsame) Widerstandsbewegungen heute fruchtbar gemacht werden und welche Rolle spielt dieses Wissen für dekoloniale Theorien und Praxen heute?
  • Wie können intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung integriert/berücksichtigt werden?

Im Anschluss folgt ein Workshop zu „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ , in dem die verschiedenen Ebenen und Zugänge  der Seite vorgestellt sowie die oben genannten Fragen aufgegriffen und vertieft besprochen werden.

Die Seite „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ erinnert durch unterschiedliche Zugänge an marginalisierte und miteinander verflochtenen Geschichte(n), die auf die Präsenz von Schwarzen Menschen und People of Colour in Berlin (und Deutschland) verweisen. Es werden ihr Alltag und ihre Widerstände thematisiert, die immer auch Kämpfe um Handlungs- und Definitionsmacht sind und waren.

Der Workshop möchte Personen, die in der (historisch)-politischen Bildung tätig sind einen Raum bieten, um globalhistorische und intersektionale Vermittlungsansätze für die eigene pädagogische Praxis kennenzulernen und anzuwenden. Es sind aber auch Personen herzlich eingeladen, die nicht explizit in diesem Bereich tätig sind. Im Rahmen des Workshops wird es viel Raum für Austausch geben und bestehende Ansätze diskutiert und ggf. weiterentwickelt werden.

Das Panelgespräch und der Workshop finden online und in deutscher Lautsprache statt.

Anmeldungen zum Panelgespräch (ohne Workshop!) bitte bis zum 14.10.2020 an

Anmeldungen zum Workshop (inkl. Panelgespräch!) bitte mit kurzen Informationen zur Motivation für die Teilnahme (5-7 Zeilen) bitte bis zum 21.09.2020 an

Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Workshop ist die Anwesenheit beim vorausgehenden Panelgespräch.

Da für den Workshop nur eine begrenzte Teilnehmendenzahl zugelassen ist, werden alle Anmeldungen bis zum 21.09.2020 gesammelt. Sie erhalten bis zum 28.09.2020 eine Rückmeldung dazu, ob wir Sie zulassen konnten.


Wir beginnen mit einer Begrüßung durch Iman Attia (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin und Vorstand xart splitta) und im Anschluss erfolgt das Panelgespräch. Nach einer Pause finden die Workshops statt und der Abschluss ist ein optionaler kurzer Vernetzungs- und Austauschraum.


Manuela Bauche ist Historikerin mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Geschichte des Kolonialismus und der Lebenswissenschaften des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie hat zudem mehrjährige Erfahrung in der historisch-politischen Bildung. Ihre 2017 im Campus-Verlag erschienene Dissertation untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen Malariabekämpfung, staatlicher Herrschaft, Rassismus und Klassismus in Kamerun, Deutsch-Ostafrika und Ostfriesland um 1900. Seit Januar 2019 ist Manuela Bauche am Otto-Suhr-Institut Leiterin des Projekts „Geschichte der Ihnestr. 22″ an der Freien Universität Berlin. Das Projekt entwickelt Szenarien zur Sichtbarmachung der Geschichte des Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituts für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik am historischen Ort Ihnestraße – einer Geschichte, in der sich die Entmenschlichung und Verfolgung von Sint*ezza und Rom*nja, Jüd*innen, Schwarzen Menschen, Asiatisch-Deutschen, Be_hinderten Menschen u.v.m. verschränken.

Saraya Gomis Lehrende und Lernende.

Darja Klingenberg ist akademische Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie der Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (Kuwi) der Viadrina Universtität Frankfurt /Oder. Ihre Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen Migrationssoziologie, mit Schwerpunkt auf die russischsprachigen, insbesondere die jüdischen Migrationsbewegungen des 20 Jahrhunderts. Sie beschäftigt sich mit feministischer Theorie, intersektionalen Perspektiven auf soziale Ungleichheit, der Soziologie des Wohnens, der Soziologie des Humors und Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung. Darja Klingenberg wurde promovierte mit einer Arbeit mit dem Titel: „Wohnen nach der Migration. Materialismus, Aspirationen und Melancholie russischsprachiger migrantischer Mittelschichten.“, die Ende des Jahres bei Campus erscheint.

Isidora Randjelović ist Dipl. Sozialpädagogin und Sozialarbeiterin. Sie ist Leiterin des feministischen Romnja* Archiv RomaniPhen. Sie schreibt über Verflechtungen im Schnittpunkt von race und gender sowie Bewegungen und Selbstorganisation und engagiert sich in der IniRromnja. Isidora Randjelović ist Lehrbeauftragte an der Alice-Salomon Hochschule Berlin und Mitglied des Vorstands von RomaniPhen e.V.


Diane Izabiliza studiert Soziokulturelle Studien an der Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder. Sie ist Absolventin des Bachelorstudiengangs Soziale Arbeit an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin und gelernte Erzieherin. Zu ihren Studienschwerpunkten gehören (Anti-)Rassismus, Gender, postkoloniale Theorien und kritische Migrationsforschung. Diane Izabiliza war an der Eintwicklung der Seite „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ beteiligt, auf der auch ihr Film „Die Mauer ist uns auf den Kopf gefallen“ zu sehen ist.

Iris Rajanayagam ist Historikerin, Leiterin von xart splitta: und ebenfalls am Projekt „Verwobene Geschichte*n“ beteiligt.

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt und wird gefördert durch die LADS.

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