call for participation: photographs, paintings, collages, drawings, words … for a print project

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wird bald mit inhalt gefüllt…

(please forward to your friends if you like!)

trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages

on the topic: deconstructing binary_genderings

what do you as a trans_x_ing person find empowering in images? what would you like to share, what do you want to pin up on your walls or those of other trans_x_ed people?

where and how do you position yourself? and what shows you that it is possible to live, understand, en_act and envision more than just femininity and masculinity?

what are your images and visions about trans_x_ing space: deconstructing racism_classism_migratism_ableism in critically reflecting binary genderings? and_or: deconstructing binary genderings in reflecting ableism_classism_racism_migratism?

what is your conception of trans_x_ing – in the world and in your communities? how do you create transfeminism?

what intersects_crosses binary norms_normalities for you, what is normal to you and what are your critical positionings and what are your privileges? what, where and how are you present outside_despite_inside binary genderisms? how are you challenging genderist concepts and your own interdependent thinking_acting out of_with racism_ableism_classism_migratism?


| turning pages

we – as members of xart splitta – are inviting you to participate in the turning pages project. we want to bring together interdependent trans_x_ing visions on the questioning of binary genderings. we would like to make these visions accessible for as many trans_x_ed people as possible.

do you have images_pictures_words_ideas? send us your proposals and a short self-presentation in the language and style of your choice (and a way to get in touch with you and/or your website if you’d like). please send everything by the 15th of june to: and/or: get in touch with us, if you have ideas and need support to work on them, if you are unsure or have questions: contact us, we’ll be happy to talk to you!

we will collect, assemble, print and arrange a selection of your pictures_texts_ collaborations. we think of it as “turning pages”, a collection of pictures_texts to pin up on your walls, to hide in your drawer, to take it out again, to position yourself, to show to others, to just look at and turn over, to hang next to each other, to distribute to different locations whenever you like_depending on your mood_weather_visits.

the format is two-dimensional (but you could inspire us with your ideas!) and square-cut (30cm x 30cm), the entire paper is printable (no margins, but cropped 3mm). smaller pictures (i.e. postcard size) will be printed onto a white square. the pages will be held together by two metal clips. we will print on 250g paper and use a four-color process. depending on the formats you send to us, we could also print plain-colored (e.g. black) or add one spot color. for one page or another, it would also be possible to use other materials, such as textile, interlayers, translucent paper. talk to us if you’re thinking about doing something like that.

we can’t guarantee any compensation for your participation right now. however, we’re planning on selling the turning pages for a fair price (less than 20€) so that ‘trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages’ is accessible to as many people as possible, and to finance the work of the participating artistxs to some degree at least.


turning pages will be published by the group xart splitta, which is creating a framing_space for transx_empowering artistic_activist interdependent transfeminist actings. xart splitta is planning on accomplishing that through workshops, exhibitions, networkings, photography_art_film_projects, parties and performances.

we as members of xart splitta are politically positioned as trans_x_ed. this call-out is written from a privileged localization regarding racism, migratism, ableism. we are critically reflecting upon this positioning and trying to transform our privileges into responsible actions. the turning pages’ selection process will be conducted by a group of people with transxed positionings and partly discriminated localizations regarding racism, migratism, ableism, classism.

we are very much looking forward to your ideas and contributions and will get back to you by july 15th.

we are also planning a party to celebrate the publishing of the issue (presumably in november 2013).

before the party (early evening or afternoon) there will be performances – it would be supernice if you would like to think about some possible participations for that as well (check out the trans_x_ing spaces call for participation here).



wird bald mit inhalt gefüllt…

(please forward to your friends if you like!)

trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages

on the topic: deconstructing binary_genderings

what do you as a trans_x_ing person find empowering in images? what would you like to share, what do you want to pin up on your walls or those of other trans_x_ed people?

where and how do you position yourself? and what shows you that it is possible to live, understand, en_act and envision more than just femininity and masculinity?

what are your images and visions about trans_x_ing space: deconstructing racism_classism_migratism_ableism in critically reflecting binary genderings? and_or: deconstructing binary genderings in reflecting ableism_classism_racism_migratism?

what is your conception of trans_x_ing – in the world and in your communities? how do you create transfeminism?

what intersects_crosses binary norms_normalities for you, what is normal to you and what are your critical positionings and what are your privileges? what, where and how are you present outside_despite_inside binary genderisms? how are you challenging genderist concepts and your own interdependent thinking_acting out of_with racism_ableism_classism_migratism?


| turning pages

we – as members of xart splitta – are inviting you to participate in the turning pages project. we want to bring together interdependent trans_x_ing visions on the questioning of binary genderings. we would like to make these visions accessible for as many trans_x_ed people as possible.

do you have images_pictures_words_ideas? send us your proposals and a short self-presentation in the language and style of your choice (and a way to get in touch with you and/or your website if you’d like). please send everything by the 15th of june to: and/or: get in touch with us, if you have ideas and need support to work on them, if you are unsure or have questions: contact us, we’ll be happy to talk to you!

we will collect, assemble, print and arrange a selection of your pictures_texts_ collaborations. we think of it as “turning pages”, a collection of pictures_texts to pin up on your walls, to hide in your drawer, to take it out again, to position yourself, to show to others, to just look at and turn over, to hang next to each other, to distribute to different locations whenever you like_depending on your mood_weather_visits.

the format is two-dimensional (but you could inspire us with your ideas!) and square-cut (30cm x 30cm), the entire paper is printable (no margins, but cropped 3mm). smaller pictures (i.e. postcard size) will be printed onto a white square. the pages will be held together by two metal clips. we will print on 250g paper and use a four-color process. depending on the formats you send to us, we could also print plain-colored (e.g. black) or add one spot color. for one page or another, it would also be possible to use other materials, such as textile, interlayers, translucent paper. talk to us if you’re thinking about doing something like that.

we can’t guarantee any compensation for your participation right now. however, we’re planning on selling the turning pages for a fair price (less than 20€) so that ‘trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages’ is accessible to as many people as possible, and to finance the work of the participating artistxs to some degree at least.


turning pages will be published by the group xart splitta, which is creating a framing_space for transx_empowering artistic_activist interdependent transfeminist actings. xart splitta is planning on accomplishing that through workshops, exhibitions, networkings, photography_art_film_projects, parties and performances.

we as members of xart splitta are politically positioned as trans_x_ed. this call-out is written from a privileged localization regarding racism, migratism, ableism. we are critically reflecting upon this positioning and trying to transform our privileges into responsible actions. the turning pages’ selection process will be conducted by a group of people with transxed positionings and partly discriminated localizations regarding racism, migratism, ableism, classism.

we are very much looking forward to your ideas and contributions and will get back to you by july 15th.

we are also planning a party to celebrate the publishing of the issue (presumably in november 2013).

before the party (early evening or afternoon) there will be performances – it would be supernice if you would like to think about some possible participations for that as well (check out the trans_x_ing spaces call for participation here).



wird bald mit inhalt gefüllt…

(please forward to your friends if you like!)

trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages

on the topic: deconstructing binary_genderings

what do you as a trans_x_ing person find empowering in images? what would you like to share, what do you want to pin up on your walls or those of other trans_x_ed people?

where and how do you position yourself? and what shows you that it is possible to live, understand, en_act and envision more than just femininity and masculinity?

what are your images and visions about trans_x_ing space: deconstructing racism_classism_migratism_ableism in critically reflecting binary genderings? and_or: deconstructing binary genderings in reflecting ableism_classism_racism_migratism?

what is your conception of trans_x_ing – in the world and in your communities? how do you create transfeminism?

what intersects_crosses binary norms_normalities for you, what is normal to you and what are your critical positionings and what are your privileges? what, where and how are you present outside_despite_inside binary genderisms? how are you challenging genderist concepts and your own interdependent thinking_acting out of_with racism_ableism_classism_migratism?


| turning pages

we – as members of xart splitta – are inviting you to participate in the turning pages project. we want to bring together interdependent trans_x_ing visions on the questioning of binary genderings. we would like to make these visions accessible for as many trans_x_ed people as possible.

do you have images_pictures_words_ideas? send us your proposals and a short self-presentation in the language and style of your choice (and a way to get in touch with you and/or your website if you’d like). please send everything by the 15th of june to: and/or: get in touch with us, if you have ideas and need support to work on them, if you are unsure or have questions: contact us, we’ll be happy to talk to you!

we will collect, assemble, print and arrange a selection of your pictures_texts_ collaborations. we think of it as “turning pages”, a collection of pictures_texts to pin up on your walls, to hide in your drawer, to take it out again, to position yourself, to show to others, to just look at and turn over, to hang next to each other, to distribute to different locations whenever you like_depending on your mood_weather_visits.

the format is two-dimensional (but you could inspire us with your ideas!) and square-cut (30cm x 30cm), the entire paper is printable (no margins, but cropped 3mm). smaller pictures (i.e. postcard size) will be printed onto a white square. the pages will be held together by two metal clips. we will print on 250g paper and use a four-color process. depending on the formats you send to us, we could also print plain-colored (e.g. black) or add one spot color. for one page or another, it would also be possible to use other materials, such as textile, interlayers, translucent paper. talk to us if you’re thinking about doing something like that.

we can’t guarantee any compensation for your participation right now. however, we’re planning on selling the turning pages for a fair price (less than 20€) so that ‘trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages’ is accessible to as many people as possible, and to finance the work of the participating artistxs to some degree at least.


turning pages will be published by the group xart splitta, which is creating a framing_space for transx_empowering artistic_activist interdependent transfeminist actings. xart splitta is planning on accomplishing that through workshops, exhibitions, networkings, photography_art_film_projects, parties and performances.

we as members of xart splitta are politically positioned as trans_x_ed. this call-out is written from a privileged localization regarding racism, migratism, ableism. we are critically reflecting upon this positioning and trying to transform our privileges into responsible actions. the turning pages’ selection process will be conducted by a group of people with transxed positionings and partly discriminated localizations regarding racism, migratism, ableism, classism.

we are very much looking forward to your ideas and contributions and will get back to you by july 15th.

we are also planning a party to celebrate the publishing of the issue (presumably in november 2013).

before the party (early evening or afternoon) there will be performances – it would be supernice if you would like to think about some possible participations for that as well (check out the trans_x_ing spaces call for participation here).




(gerne an freundix weiterleiten)

trans_x_ing spaces | turning pages

zum thema: ent2genderung

was empowert dich an bildern als trans_x_ende person? was willst du teilen, was möchtest du dir und anderen getransxten personen an die wand hängen? was verortet dich und zeigt, dass mehr leb- und verstehbar, einles- und handlungsmöglich ist als weiblichkeit und männlichkeit?

was sind deine bilder und visionen zu rassismus_klassismus_migratismus_ableismus_kritischer ent_zweigenderung und ent_zweigendernder ableismus_klassismus_rassismus_migratismus-kritik als trans_x_ing space?

welche vorstellung zu trans_x_en hast du von welt und dir und deinen communities? welche zu transfeministischen handlungen?

was durchkreuzt für dich 2gegenderte normalitäten, was ist für dich normal und was sind deine kritische ver_ortungen, was deine privilegien? was, wo und wie sind deine anwesenheiten außerhalb_trotz_über_und_unter 2genderung, deine herausforderungen von genderistischen konzepten und dein interdependentes denken_handeln davon_dabei mit rassismus_ableismus_klassismus_migratismus?


| turning pages

diesen call for participation machen wir von xart splitta um trans_x_ende visionen zu interdependenter ent_zweigenderung zusammen zu tragen und möglichst vielen getransx_ten personen zugänglich zu machen.

hast du oder habt ihr bilder_wortungen_ideen? schickt uns eure partizipationen, vorschläge und eine kleine selbstdarstellung in der sprache und form eurer wahl (und eine kontaktmöglichkeit und/oder eure website wenn ihr wollt) bis 15. juni an: und/oder: nehmt kontakt mit uns auf, wenn ihr ideen habt, und support braucht um daran weiterzudenken, bei unsicherheiten und fragen: meldet euch gerne bei uns.

wir werden – in rücksprache mit euch – eine sammlung_auswahl an bildern_texten_euren beiträgen als ‚turning pages‘ (ähnlich wie ein kalenda, aber ohne daten) drucken, zusammenfügen, hintereinander sortieren zu einer bilder_text sammlung zum an die wand hängen, zum in die schublade legen und aus der schublade holen, zum eigenen ver_orten, zum zeigen für andere, zum angucken und bei belieben_stimmung_wetterlage_besuch und was auch immer… umblättern oder nebeneinander hängen oder an verschiedene orte verteilen.

das format ist erstmal zweidimensional (wir lassen uns gerne von euren ideen inspirieren) und quadratisch (30cm x 30cm), dabei kann bis zum rand bedruckt werden (3mm anschnitt), es können aber auch kleinere bilder (z.b. postkartengröße) auf das weiße quadrat gedruckt werden. die turning pages werden mit 2 klammern zusammengehalten, die am oberen bildrand befestigt werden (das heißt, wenn ihr das volle format ausnutzt, sind die klammern auf dem bild). wir drucken matt auf weißem 250g-papier und 4farbig, bzw. je nachdem, was ihr einreicht kann auch 1 farbe (z.b. schwarz) plus eine schmuckfarbe gedruckt werden. in absprache mit uns wäre es auch möglich für die eine oder andere seite andere materialien (wie stoff, folie, transparentpapier) in die sammlung aufzunehmen. erstmal können wir keine gage für die partizipationen zusichern, würden aber die turning pages für einen angemessenen preis verkaufen (unter 20€), um so sowohl zu versuchen, die turning pages als trans_x_ing spaces möglichst vielen zugänglich zu machen und gleichzeitig die arbeit der beteiligten künstlx finanzieren zu können.

herausgegeben werden die „turning pages“ vom verein xart splitta, der einen rahmen_raum schaffen will für transx_empowernde künstlxischen_aktivistische interdependent transfeministische handlungen. das kann zum beispiel auch in form von workshops, ausstellungen, vernetzungen, foto_kunst_filmprojekten, partys und performance-abenden sein.

wir von xart splitta verstehen uns als getrans_xt ver_ortet in unserem aktivistischen_künstlxischen handeln. der call ist aus einer in bezug auf rassismus, ableismus, migratismus privilegierten positionierung formuliert und immer noch zu entpolitisierend akademisch geschrieben… wir versuchen diese reflektionen in verantwortungsvolle handlungen umzusetzen. der auswahlprozess für das event wird getragen sein durch eine gruppe mit getrans_xten ver_ortungen mit personen, die teilweise durch rassismus, migratismus, ableismus, klassismus diskriminiert positioniert sind.

wir sind sehr gespannt auf eure ideen und beiträge! und melden uns bis mitte juli zurück.

eine party in berlin zum feiern der herausgabe ist in planung (november 2013). vor der party wird es (am frühen abend) performances geben, für den ihr gerne über participations nachdenken könnt (diesen call findet ihr hier)!

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