Queer India Weekend
Screening: „Die Mauer ist uns auf den Kopf gefallen“ (Zitat: Lucía Muriel)
From: „Decolonial Tours“ (www.anguezomo-bikoro.com). © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Jule Roehr
July 5th and 6th 2018
In this two-day symposium current social conditions in Berlin and Germany will be looked at investigated & discussed from a decidedly historical perspective. More precisely, current racism and other forms of socially and institutionally produced exclusions and discriminations as well as resistance against them will be looked at and analysed in retrospective. The question of the role of archiving and documentation within the context of resistance strategies that are critical of racism and discrimination as well as anti- and decolonial movements will be central; and ‚looking back‘ the basis and point of departure for potential prospects for the future within this context. Among others the following questions will be raised:
- Do we have to find new forms of interventions, forming alliances and strategies of action for dealing with discrimination, hatred, and other politically motivated violence in all its forms?
- What can we learn from past experiences and practices?
- How can memory simultaneously provide a perspective for the future?
- And what role does the cooperation of academics, activists, artists,… across several generations play in this regard?
Not least the symposium should show how far a historical perspective can provide approaches for better understanding and a more precise analysis of current social conditions and at the same time hint at possibilities for solutions and range of action. Above that, this symposium is also intended as an attempt to highlight the violent colonial history of archival storage and break through it with counter narratives.
We are looking forward to a keynote round with Nikita Dhawan, Fatima El-Tayeb and Macarena Gómez-Barris. Chair: Emilia Roig
Further information regarding the programme: www.xartsplitta.net/en/programme-new-perspectives/
An event by: xart splitta e.V.
In cooperation with and held at:
Nachbarschaftshaus Urbanstraße. Urbanstraße 21, 10961 Berlin. Directions: www.nachbarschaftshaus.de/kontakt/anfahrt/
Funded by:
Senate Department for Culture and Europe
With the friendly support of: