What are Safe(r) Spaces?

What are Safe(r) Spaces?
Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung
What are Safe(r) Spaces?
Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung

To the documentation: The Living Archives

Thursday, September 23rd 2020, 3-7pm

Location: bUm – Auditorium, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin

*This event will take place in spoken German*

What are Safe(r) Spaces ? Who needs Safe(r) Spaces? Where do we need Safe(r) Spaces? And how can we create and guarantee them?
In cooperation with BIWOC Rising*, we will follow up on those questions and many more in an intensive, daylong Workshop in September and together, come up with possible Group solutions that are intersectional and create definitions.

We support the view that not everything that is labelled as Safe Space truly is a Safe Space. That is because some privileged people tend to make use of important terms in a superficial manner (Intersectionality, Diversity, Woke etc.) and on the other hand, there is a lack of clear definition, of different intentions and sometimes of wrong assumptions. These are questions we would like to address. To do so, we will scrutinize physical as well as digital living environments.

With an intersectional approach, we will with the help of an expert team and through the inclusion of experiences of Safe Space seeking People (like Trans* and non-binary People of Colour, Refugees, Woman* of Colour, People affected by abelism) develop and specify possible definitions of Safe Spaces for physical and digital spheres.

Questions that are relevant for us in this context:

  • What are Safe or Safer Spaces and who has the power to define that?
  • Does a room filled with people who have experienced discrimination qualify as a Safe Space ?
  • Considering anonymity, can digital rooms even be safe ?
  • How do algorithms control the access to digital Safe Spaces ?
Following the workshops, the definitions/possible solutions will be summarised by a creative team and published for a broad audience.
Workshop facilitators:
Carma M. Lüdtke: Graduate engineer (FH) for technical computer science, Co-Founder and CEO at LaceWing Tech.

Sanni Est: M
ultimedia artist DJ, performer, musician, actress and trans*feminist activist. Pls. find further information on Sanni Est hier.

The intensive workshop is limited to a certain number of participants.

The bUm including the bathroom is wheelchair accessible.

Questions and registration via: contact@biwoc-rising.org

Funded by:

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

What are Safe(r) Spaces?
Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung

To the documentation: The Living Archives

Thursday, September 23rd 2020, 3-7pm

Location: bUm – Auditorium, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin

*This event will take place in spoken German*

What are Safe(r) Spaces ? Who needs Safe(r) Spaces? Where do we need Safe(r) Spaces? And how can we create and guarantee them?
In cooperation with BIWOC Rising*, we will follow up on those questions and many more in an intensive, daylong Workshop in September and together, come up with possible Group solutions that are intersectional and create definitions.

We support the view that not everything that is labelled as Safe Space truly is a Safe Space. That is because some privileged people tend to make use of important terms in a superficial manner (Intersectionality, Diversity, Woke etc.) and on the other hand, there is a lack of clear definition, of different intentions and sometimes of wrong assumptions. These are questions we would like to address. To do so, we will scrutinize physical as well as digital living environments.

With an intersectional approach, we will with the help of an expert team and through the inclusion of experiences of Safe Space seeking People (like Trans* and non-binary People of Colour, Refugees, Woman* of Colour, People affected by abelism) develop and specify possible definitions of Safe Spaces for physical and digital spheres.

Questions that are relevant for us in this context:

  • What are Safe or Safer Spaces and who has the power to define that?
  • Does a room filled with people who have experienced discrimination qualify as a Safe Space ?
  • Considering anonymity, can digital rooms even be safe ?
  • How do algorithms control the access to digital Safe Spaces ?
Following the workshops, the definitions/possible solutions will be summarised by a creative team and published for a broad audience.
Workshop facilitators:
Carma M. Lüdtke: Graduate engineer (FH) for technical computer science, Co-Founder and CEO at LaceWing Tech.

Sanni Est: M
ultimedia artist DJ, performer, musician, actress and trans*feminist activist. Pls. find further information on Sanni Est hier.

The intensive workshop is limited to a certain number of participants.

The bUm including the bathroom is wheelchair accessible.

Questions and registration via: contact@biwoc-rising.org

Funded by:

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

What are Safe(r) Spaces?
Globalgeschichtliche und intersektionale Perspektiven in der historisch-politischen Bildung

To the documentation: The Living Archives

Thursday, September 23rd 2020, 3-7pm

Location: bUm – Auditorium, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin

*This event will take place in spoken German*

What are Safe(r) Spaces ? Who needs Safe(r) Spaces? Where do we need Safe(r) Spaces? And how can we create and guarantee them?
In cooperation with BIWOC Rising*, we will follow up on those questions and many more in an intensive, daylong Workshop in September and together, come up with possible Group solutions that are intersectional and create definitions.

We support the view that not everything that is labelled as Safe Space truly is a Safe Space. That is because some privileged people tend to make use of important terms in a superficial manner (Intersectionality, Diversity, Woke etc.) and on the other hand, there is a lack of clear definition, of different intentions and sometimes of wrong assumptions. These are questions we would like to address. To do so, we will scrutinize physical as well as digital living environments.

With an intersectional approach, we will with the help of an expert team and through the inclusion of experiences of Safe Space seeking People (like Trans* and non-binary People of Colour, Refugees, Woman* of Colour, People affected by abelism) develop and specify possible definitions of Safe Spaces for physical and digital spheres.

Questions that are relevant for us in this context:

  • What are Safe or Safer Spaces and who has the power to define that?
  • Does a room filled with people who have experienced discrimination qualify as a Safe Space ?
  • Considering anonymity, can digital rooms even be safe ?
  • How do algorithms control the access to digital Safe Spaces ?
Following the workshops, the definitions/possible solutions will be summarised by a creative team and published for a broad audience.
Workshop facilitators:
Carma M. Lüdtke: Graduate engineer (FH) for technical computer science, Co-Founder and CEO at LaceWing Tech.

Sanni Est: M
ultimedia artist DJ, performer, musician, actress and trans*feminist activist. Pls. find further information on Sanni Est hier.

The intensive workshop is limited to a certain number of participants.

The bUm including the bathroom is wheelchair accessible.

Questions and registration via: contact@biwoc-rising.org

Funded by:

This event is part of the project  #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.

It’s About Our Booties – BLACK ENERGY – Workshop 6
What are Safe(r) Spaces?

Zur Dokumentation: The Living Archives

Donnerstag, 23. September 2020, 15-19h

Ort: bUm – Auditorium, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin


Was sind Safe(r) Spaces? Wer benötigt Safe(r) Spaces? Wo benötigen wir Safe(r) Spaces? Und wie können wir diese schaffen und gewährleisten?

In Kooperation mit BIWOC* Rising werden wir diesen und weiteren Fragen in einem intensiven ganztätigen Workshop im September nachgehen und gemeinsam mit einer intersektionalen Gruppe, Lösungsansätze und Definitionen schaffen.

Wir sind der Meinung, dass nicht immer wo Safe Space drauf steht, auch Safe Space drin steckt. Das hat zum einen den Grund, dass einige Priviligierte gerne wichtige Begriffe oberflächlich benutzen (Intersektionalität, Diversity, Woke etc) und zum anderen, fehlt es an klarer Definition, oder es geht um unterschiedliche Absichten und manchmal um falsche Annahmen. Diesen Fragen wollen wir uns widmen. Dabei werden wir sowohl physische als auch digitale Lebensräume unter die Lupe nehmen.

Mit einem intersektionalen Ansatz werden wir mit Hilfe von einem Expert*innen Team und unter Einbeziehung der Erfahrungen von Safe Space Suchenden (wie Trans* und nicht-binäre Personen of Colour, Geflüchtete Menschen, Frauen* of Colour, be_hinderte Menschen,…), mögliche Definitionen von Safe Spaces in physischen und digitalen Räumen erarbeiten.

Fragen, die in diesem Kontext von Bedeutung für uns sind, wären u.a.:

  • Was sind Safe oder Safer Spaces und wer hat die Definitionsmacht darüber dies zu entscheiden?
  • Qualifiziert das Zusammenwürfeln von diskriminierungserfahrenen Personen einen Raum als Safe Space?
  • Können digitale Räume durch die Anonymität überhaupt safe sein?
  • Wie beeinflußen Algorithmen den Zugang zu digitalen Safe Spaces?

Im Anschluss werden die Definitionen/Lösungsvorschläge von einem kreativen Team zusammengefasst und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich gemacht.


Carma M. Lüdtke: Diplom Ingenieurin (FH) für technische Informatik, Co-Founder und CEO bei LaceWing Tech.

Sanni Est: Multimedia Künstlerin*, DJ, Musikerin*, Schauspielerin* und trans*feministische Aktivistin. Näheres zu Sanni Est hier.

Der Intensiv-Workshop findet auf deutscher Lautsprache und mit einer limitierten Teilnehmendenzahl statt.

Das bUm ist mit Rollstuhl erreichbar. Eine Rollstuhlgerechte Toilette ist vorhanden.

Fragen und Anmeldungen bitte an: contact@biwoc-rising.org


Gefördert von:

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt und wird gefördert durch die LADS.

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