What are Safe(r) Spaces?
To the documentation: The Living Archives
We support the view that not everything that is labelled as Safe Space truly is a Safe Space. That is because some privileged people tend to make use of important terms in a superficial manner (Intersectionality, Diversity, Woke etc.) and on the other hand, there is a lack of clear definition, of different intentions and sometimes of wrong assumptions. These are questions we would like to address. To do so, we will scrutinize physical as well as digital living environments.
With an intersectional approach, we will with the help of an expert team and through the inclusion of experiences of Safe Space seeking People (like Trans* and non-binary People of Colour, Refugees, Woman* of Colour, People affected by abelism) develop and specify possible definitions of Safe Spaces for physical and digital spheres.
Questions that are relevant for us in this context:
The intensive workshop is limited to a certain number of participants.
The bUm including the bathroom is wheelchair accessible.
This event is part of the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken and is sponsored by LADS.