Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense

Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense
Kommunizieren wagen
Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense
Kommunizieren wagen



Past – Present – Tense

Filmscreening: December 8th 2015, 7pm


HD Video / Color & Sound / German with English Subtitles / 32.00 min, 2014 – 15

PAST PRESENT TENSE“ is a video work that examines the question of German identity and its relationship to racism of the past and present day.

Through various interviews the viewer observes social and political transitions in Germany – the GDR, Post-reunification and the pogroms starting in Rostock, and contemporary Germany society.

The work seeks to redefine social positions and identities within the framework of intimate dialogs that challenge the status quo on how to define not only German identity but geopolitics in the context of white Europe. As such, the audience is posed with questions on what are the responsibilities of dealing with colonial pasts and how do we reflect on dominant ideologies and discourse in a time of constant mobility and global shifts?

In a time of cultural amnesia, recalling the past and the retelling of memories is becoming more and more under-rated in a time when forgetting is common practice. Through telling interviews that discuss the perspectives of Germans of minority descent, the film highlights many of the experiences and opinions that are otherwise unheard and unseen within our shared public space.

It thus asks the audience to realign their perception of class, race and privilege that run alongside labels that ultimately offer a limited scope on the complexity of identity politics rooted in colonial exclusionary traditions.

After the screening there will be an Q&A with the director Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo and the interviewee Jasco Viefhus

Director / Editor – Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo
Subtitles – Jason Harrell
Post-Production / Video – Bastian Hopfgarten
Sound Editing / Audio Mastering – Paul “SNAX” Bonomo

Supported by District Berlin

Featuring – Anonymous, Abini Zoellner, Anetta Kahane, Minh Nguyen, Martin Hyun, Jasmin Truong, Jasco Viefhues, Kien Nghi Ha, Noa Ha, Jan Riebe

Special Thanks: Jason Harrell, Sander Houtkruijer, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Reistrommel e.V.

Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo is a US-American artist based in Berlin. Over the last few years D’Angelo’s work has evolved into a research based art practice that encompasses political issues concerning the politics of representations regarding class, race, sexuality and gender paradigms that exist within our shared media landscape.

D’Angelo’s work explores the production of race in both transnational spaces and urban areas within Eurocentric and American media zones, highlighting the questions of “exoticism” and object fetishism as a form of racism.  Her work attempts to reconstruct conventional modes of identification, while rejecting the restrictive categories of identity in order to adopt a more plural way of experiencing race, gender and sexual relationships.
D’Angelo’s work has been featured in Art in America, Artforum, The Huffingtonpost, Kenzo’s Kenzine, and she has exhibited in Volta Artfair NY, Galerie Suvi Lehtinen, The September Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow and was the 2014 studio grant holder from District Berlin.

Jasco Viefhus is active in the field of New Media, Graphic Design and Film. He has worked for several publicity agencys and productions as a freelancer for many years now. Currently he is a
student at the renown Filmacademy Berlin (dffb) – focussing on directing. From 2008 – 2012 Viefhus was a fellowship holder of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In 2010 he was nominated for the German Short Film Award with his Film „Capernaum“. In 2014 his Film „Internal Body Shots“, one part of the Compilation „Fucking Different XXY“ held it’s Premiere in the Panorama section of the 64. International Filmfestival Berlin (Berlinale).

Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense
Kommunizieren wagen



Past – Present – Tense

Filmscreening: December 8th 2015, 7pm


HD Video / Color & Sound / German with English Subtitles / 32.00 min, 2014 – 15

PAST PRESENT TENSE“ is a video work that examines the question of German identity and its relationship to racism of the past and present day.

Through various interviews the viewer observes social and political transitions in Germany – the GDR, Post-reunification and the pogroms starting in Rostock, and contemporary Germany society.

The work seeks to redefine social positions and identities within the framework of intimate dialogs that challenge the status quo on how to define not only German identity but geopolitics in the context of white Europe. As such, the audience is posed with questions on what are the responsibilities of dealing with colonial pasts and how do we reflect on dominant ideologies and discourse in a time of constant mobility and global shifts?

In a time of cultural amnesia, recalling the past and the retelling of memories is becoming more and more under-rated in a time when forgetting is common practice. Through telling interviews that discuss the perspectives of Germans of minority descent, the film highlights many of the experiences and opinions that are otherwise unheard and unseen within our shared public space.

It thus asks the audience to realign their perception of class, race and privilege that run alongside labels that ultimately offer a limited scope on the complexity of identity politics rooted in colonial exclusionary traditions.

After the screening there will be an Q&A with the director Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo and the interviewee Jasco Viefhus

Director / Editor – Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo
Subtitles – Jason Harrell
Post-Production / Video – Bastian Hopfgarten
Sound Editing / Audio Mastering – Paul “SNAX” Bonomo

Supported by District Berlin

Featuring – Anonymous, Abini Zoellner, Anetta Kahane, Minh Nguyen, Martin Hyun, Jasmin Truong, Jasco Viefhues, Kien Nghi Ha, Noa Ha, Jan Riebe

Special Thanks: Jason Harrell, Sander Houtkruijer, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Reistrommel e.V.

Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo is a US-American artist based in Berlin. Over the last few years D’Angelo’s work has evolved into a research based art practice that encompasses political issues concerning the politics of representations regarding class, race, sexuality and gender paradigms that exist within our shared media landscape.

D’Angelo’s work explores the production of race in both transnational spaces and urban areas within Eurocentric and American media zones, highlighting the questions of “exoticism” and object fetishism as a form of racism.  Her work attempts to reconstruct conventional modes of identification, while rejecting the restrictive categories of identity in order to adopt a more plural way of experiencing race, gender and sexual relationships.
D’Angelo’s work has been featured in Art in America, Artforum, The Huffingtonpost, Kenzo’s Kenzine, and she has exhibited in Volta Artfair NY, Galerie Suvi Lehtinen, The September Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow and was the 2014 studio grant holder from District Berlin.

Jasco Viefhus is active in the field of New Media, Graphic Design and Film. He has worked for several publicity agencys and productions as a freelancer for many years now. Currently he is a
student at the renown Filmacademy Berlin (dffb) – focussing on directing. From 2008 – 2012 Viefhus was a fellowship holder of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In 2010 he was nominated for the German Short Film Award with his Film „Capernaum“. In 2014 his Film „Internal Body Shots“, one part of the Compilation „Fucking Different XXY“ held it’s Premiere in the Panorama section of the 64. International Filmfestival Berlin (Berlinale).

Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense
Kommunizieren wagen



Past – Present – Tense

Filmscreening: December 8th 2015, 7pm


HD Video / Color & Sound / German with English Subtitles / 32.00 min, 2014 – 15

PAST PRESENT TENSE“ is a video work that examines the question of German identity and its relationship to racism of the past and present day.

Through various interviews the viewer observes social and political transitions in Germany – the GDR, Post-reunification and the pogroms starting in Rostock, and contemporary Germany society.

The work seeks to redefine social positions and identities within the framework of intimate dialogs that challenge the status quo on how to define not only German identity but geopolitics in the context of white Europe. As such, the audience is posed with questions on what are the responsibilities of dealing with colonial pasts and how do we reflect on dominant ideologies and discourse in a time of constant mobility and global shifts?

In a time of cultural amnesia, recalling the past and the retelling of memories is becoming more and more under-rated in a time when forgetting is common practice. Through telling interviews that discuss the perspectives of Germans of minority descent, the film highlights many of the experiences and opinions that are otherwise unheard and unseen within our shared public space.

It thus asks the audience to realign their perception of class, race and privilege that run alongside labels that ultimately offer a limited scope on the complexity of identity politics rooted in colonial exclusionary traditions.

After the screening there will be an Q&A with the director Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo and the interviewee Jasco Viefhus

Director / Editor – Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo
Subtitles – Jason Harrell
Post-Production / Video – Bastian Hopfgarten
Sound Editing / Audio Mastering – Paul “SNAX” Bonomo

Supported by District Berlin

Featuring – Anonymous, Abini Zoellner, Anetta Kahane, Minh Nguyen, Martin Hyun, Jasmin Truong, Jasco Viefhues, Kien Nghi Ha, Noa Ha, Jan Riebe

Special Thanks: Jason Harrell, Sander Houtkruijer, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Reistrommel e.V.

Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo is a US-American artist based in Berlin. Over the last few years D’Angelo’s work has evolved into a research based art practice that encompasses political issues concerning the politics of representations regarding class, race, sexuality and gender paradigms that exist within our shared media landscape.

D’Angelo’s work explores the production of race in both transnational spaces and urban areas within Eurocentric and American media zones, highlighting the questions of “exoticism” and object fetishism as a form of racism.  Her work attempts to reconstruct conventional modes of identification, while rejecting the restrictive categories of identity in order to adopt a more plural way of experiencing race, gender and sexual relationships.
D’Angelo’s work has been featured in Art in America, Artforum, The Huffingtonpost, Kenzo’s Kenzine, and she has exhibited in Volta Artfair NY, Galerie Suvi Lehtinen, The September Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow and was the 2014 studio grant holder from District Berlin.

Jasco Viefhus is active in the field of New Media, Graphic Design and Film. He has worked for several publicity agencys and productions as a freelancer for many years now. Currently he is a
student at the renown Filmacademy Berlin (dffb) – focussing on directing. From 2008 – 2012 Viefhus was a fellowship holder of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In 2010 he was nominated for the German Short Film Award with his Film „Capernaum“. In 2014 his Film „Internal Body Shots“, one part of the Compilation „Fucking Different XXY“ held it’s Premiere in the Panorama section of the 64. International Filmfestival Berlin (Berlinale).

workshop: wie alt sind eigentlich meine alter egos?
Filmscreening: Past – Present – Tense



Past – Present – Tense

Filmscreening 8. Dezember 2015, 19 Uhr

 HD Video / Color & Sound / German with English Subtitles / 32.00 min, 2014 – 15

Past Present Tense“ ist eine Videoarbeit, die die Frage deutscher Identität und ihrer Beziehung zum Rassismus der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart untersucht.

Anhand verschiedener Interviews beobachten die Betrachtenden soziale und politische Übergänge in Deutschland – die DDR- Post-Wiedervereinigung und die Pogrome, die in Rostock begannen sowie die zeitgenössische deutsche Gesellschaft.

Die Arbeit unternimmt es, soziale Positionen und Identitäten im Rahmen intimer Dialoge neu zu definieren, die den Status quo, wie nicht nur deutsche Identität, sondern auch die Geopolitik im Kontext eines weißen Europa zu definieren sei, herausfordert. Das Publikum als solches wird vor den Fragen gestellt, was die Verantwortlichkeiten beim Umgang mit der kolonialen Vergangenheit sind und wie wir über dominante Ideologien und Diskurse in einer Zeit konstanter Mobilität und globaler Verschiebungen reflektieren. In einer Zeit der kulturellen Amnesie wird der Aufruf der Vergangenheit und die Wiedererzählung von Erinnerungen immer stärker unterbewertet, in einer Zeit, in der das Vergessen allgemeine Praxis ist. Anhand der Erzählung von Interviews, die die Perspektiven von minorisierten Deutschen diskutieren zeigt der Film viele der Erfahrungen und Meinungen, die sonst ungehört und ungesehen im gemeinsamen öffentlichen Raum verhallen und untergehen.

Er fordert daher das Publikum zur Neuausrichtung der Wahrnehmung von Race, Klasse und Privilegien auf, welche sich an Markierungen entlangziehen, die im Endeffekt einen begrenzten Ausblick auf die Komplexität von Identitätspolitiken bieten, da sie in kolonialen ausschließenden Traditionen wurzeln.

Im Anschluss des Screenings wird es ein Q&A mit der Regisseurin Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo und dem Mitwirkenden Jasco Viefhus geben.


Regisseurin/ Bearbeiterin- Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo
Untertitel – Jason Harrell
Nachbearbeitung/Video – Bastian Hopfgarten
Tonbearbeitung/Audio –Paul “SNAX” Bonomo

Unterstützt vom Land Berlin

Darsteller_innen – Anonymous, Abini Zoellner, Anetta Kahane, Minh Nguyen, Martin Hyun, Jasmin Truong, Jasco Viefhues, Kien Nghi Ha, Noa Ha, Jan Riebe

Besonderen Dank an: Jason Harrell, Sander Houtkruijer, Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Reistrommel e.V.

Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo ist eine in Berlin ansässige US-amerikanische Künstlerin. Sie besuchte das Maryland Institut Kunstcollege, wo sie unter TJ Demos studierte und danach die Akademie der Schönen Künste in Krakau, Polen, wo sie schließlich ihren BFA erhielt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich D’Angelos Arbeit zu einer forschungsbasierten Kunstpraxis entwickelt, die politische Themen wie Repräsentationspolitiken im Hinblick auf Paradigmen von Race, Klasse sowie Sexualität und Gender umfasst, welche in unserer gemeinsamen Medienlandschaft zu finden sind.

D’Angelos Arbeit erforscht die Produktion von Race sowohl in transnationalen Räumen und städtischen Gebieten in eurozentrischen und US-amerikanischen Medienzonen und stellt dabei die Fragen von ‘Exotismus’ und Objektfetischismus als eine Form des Rassismus heraus. Ihre Arbeit versucht die konventionellen Wege von Identifikation zu rekonstruieren, während sie gleichzeitig restriktive Identitätskategorien ablehnt, um eine pluralere Weise des Erfahrens von Race, Geschlecht und sexueller Beziehungen zu erforschen. D’Angelos Arbeit wurde in Art in America, Artforum, The Huffington Post, Kenzo’s Kenzine präsentiert, und sie wurde in Volta Artfair NY, Galerie Suvi Lehtinen, The September Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow ausgestellt; zudem erhielt sie 2014 ein Studio Stipendium des Landes Berlin.

Jasco Viefhues ist im Bereich Neue Medien, Grafikdesign und Film. In den letzten Jahren hat er als Freischaffender für mehrere Werbeagenturen und Produktionen gearbeitet. Derzeit ist er Student an der renommierten Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) – mit einem Fokus auf Regie. Von 2008 – 2012 war Viefhus Stipendiant der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. 2010 wurde er mit seinem Kurzfilm “Capernaum” für den Deutschen Kurzfilmpreis nominiert. 2014 feierte sein Film “Internal Body Shots”, ein Teil der Kompilation “Fucking Different XXY” in der Panorama Sektion der 64. Berlinale, Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin (Berlinale) Premiere.

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