Freitag, den 13.10.2023, 17 Uhr bei xart splitta e.V., Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin This event will take place in German spoken language. Das Konzept der Gemeinsamen […]
On solidarities and mutual aid Monday, November 27th, 6pm WEG Spreefeld, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin The event will be held in English spoken language with translation in […]
Monday, July 31st 2023, from 4 pm Meeting point at xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin) This year #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking Communities in Solidarity) is about ‚labour‘. […]
Buchvorstellung von und mit Rena Onat Freitag, 13.10.2023, ab 18 Uhr bei xart splitta e.V., Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher und englischer […]
The aim of the 'BIPoC literature circle: Labour and resistance' is to understand and discuss different aspects of labour, labour resistance and labour organization, by exploring various forms and their contextualization intersectionally.
The aim of the 'BIPoC literature circle: Labour and resistance' is to understand and discuss different aspects of labour, labour resistance and labour organization, by exploring various forms and their contextualization intersectionally.
Jetzt beginnt der DGS II Kurs mittwochs, ab dem 19. April bis zum 21. Juni 2023, statt. Immer von 17:00 bis 18:30 Uhr in Präsenz, wieder in unseren Vereinsräumen in der Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin.
Dear Communities, friends, supporters and everybody interested Another year is coming to an end and we would like to say goodbye and disappear into our winter break […]
Happy to announce and share an article we’ve been asked to write for at A-id: Agenda for International Development. A-id: Agenda for International Development is an […]
In solidarity with Asian communities under racist and sexist attack, we also publish the open letter of April 16th 2021 of the project group of the […]
Thursday, January 28th, 2021, 7.30pm **This screening will take place online.** Welcome to the fourth screening of Afrofilm & Diasporic Realities! Afrofilm is a self-organised monthly […]
The Living Archives is an online platform, which will primarily be used to document, archive and make available knowledge and content, that is generated within BIPoC […]
2019 was a very intense year for us. Many wonderful things took place (some impressions can be found here) and there were a number of structural changes. Among […]
Dear supporters, dear communities, dear friends, dear visitors, dear everyone, Unfortunately, we have to inform you that our long-term basic funding for 2020 has not been […]
Supported by LADS (Berlin State Office for Equal Treatment and against Discrimination of the Senate Department for Justice, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination), our focus from 2020 onwards will […]
Dear all, the work of xart splitta is based on cooperations with and the participation of a large number of individuals, groups, and organizations. However, this […]